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My family really was cursed or something.

None of that mattered right now, though. It was a beautiful day, and I was on my way to pick up my amazing kid. I couldn't be that cursed, if the universe allowed me to have him.

One of the only good choices I had ever made in my life.

I pulled up into Denise's yard and saw him standing outside with her. I stepped out of the car, making sure that I grabbed a cigarette to take with me.

"What's up, bitch!" Denise exclaimed. "You look like the cat who ate the canary."

I grimaced. "I've always hated that saying. Why can't I just look happy?"

"Because it's weird." Ben spoke up, looking at me with apprehension.

I just raised my eyebrows at him.

"It's weird for me to look happy?" I asked, honestly surprised that he would say that.

"Well, no, you look happy a lot, but not happy like this. I don't think I've seen you all smiles and joyful. You're literally smiling at me so hugely right now, it's freaking me out. Are you possessed?" He asked, raising one eyebrow at me.

I laughed.

"No, I'm not possessed. I just feel good today. You're exaggerating anyway! I'm happy a lot."

"But not like this. This is different. It's weird." He replied, still looking at me, strangely.

"Oh my God, stop." I laughed. "You guys are acting like I'm never truly happy. I'm just in a good mood."

"Hmm, would a certain dark haired, blue eyed hottie be the reason for this happiness?" Denise teased.

"What?" Ben exclaimed, with his own blue eyes going wide. "Gross! I'm getting in the car." Denise and I burst out laughing, as he scowled and ducked inside the car and closed the door.

"So, actually though, did something happen last night that I need to know about?" She asked me, once he was out of ear shot.

I shook my head.

"No, not really. It wasn't even fun for most of the night, if I'm being honest. I was pouring my heart out in a really pathetic way. I'm actually embarrassed, but oh well." I shrugged. "I told him everything. Things that I haven't told anyone else. I should stop drinking."

"Wait, things I don't know?" She asked, in surprise.

"Um, well, look, I should go. I still have to wash clothes and fix dinner. I'll text you later and tell you about the kiss. Love ya!" I replied, as I hurried back to my car.

"Oh, hell no!" I heard her yell, as I ducked inside my car, with Ben. "You're gonna spill, Callie!"

I waved at her and closed the car door, with a smile. She was fuming, as she yanked her phone out of her back pocket. Her thumbs started flying across the screen, so I knew I was going to get one helluva text pretty soon.

Whatever. I would deal with it, eventually. I really needed to start thinking before I spoke.

Ben and I talked about how his weekend went and the new game that Xander had.

"Mom?" He asked, after we pulled into the driveway.

"Yeah?" I asked, shutting off the engine.

"So, are you dating Colby? Is that what Denise was talking about?" He asked, hesitantly.

I glanced over at him and saw him picking at his fingers, nervously.

"No, honey. We're not dating. We're just good friends. Would that bother you though? If I started dating, I mean?" I responded.

He shrugged, nonchalantly, and looked up, meeting my gaze.

"I don't think so. It's weird to think about, but I want you to be happy. Besides, it would be kinda cool to tell people that my mom is dating Colby Brock from Sam and Colby." He grinned.

I rolled my eyes and smiled.

"We're not dating, Ben. Not dating. Just friends. If anything changes, you'll be the first to know."

"Okay. Just saying that I wouldn't mind." He grinned, as he opened his door.

I shook my head and watched him grab his bag from the backseat.

"You coming?" He asked, as he walked around to my side of the car and opened my door.

"Yeah, just thinking. Thanks." I replied.

I grabbed my purse and followed him into the house. The rest of the day was just our normal routine, with me cleaning and cooking, while he washed his clothes and played the game. It sped by quickly and nighttime fell before I knew it.

"Damn." I murmured, when I looked out the kitchen window.

A full moon hung brightly in the night sky, with a silver aura around her.

My phone alarm blared suddenly, causing me to jump. Thank God I had already set the cat food bowl down in the sink. It was too damn late to be cleaning up shattered ceramic.

I grabbed my phone from the kitchen table and silenced the alarm, then called my mom.

"Hello?" She answered.

"Hey, time to take your meds." I replied.

"Okay, baby, thank you."

"You're welcome. Do you need anything, before I go lay down?" I asked.

"Are you in the kitchen?" She asked.

"Yes ma'am." I replied.

"Can you bring me a banana?"

"Sure. Be there in a sec." I said, then disconnected the call.

I grabbed a banana from the hanger thing that was on the table and headed towards her room. After I passed it to her, I told her goodnight, then made sure that Ben was in bed.

When I finally made it to my own room, I sighed and fell back onto my bed. The day may have gone by quickly, but it was still so tiring. I stared at my ceiling for a minute, as last night's kiss with Colby came to mind.

I brought my fingers to my lips, almost feeling the touch of his on mine. They had been so soft, yet forceful. The man was much more experienced than the boy had been.

It was probably the best kiss of my entire life. I smiled to myself and brought my phone up. I hadn't heard from him all day.

Not since he had dropped me off, but I hadn't really had time to check my phone either.

When I saw the notifications on my phone, my jaw dropped. I had over 20 texts from three different people. Denise, Colby, and Will.

Something had happened. Something that I probably didn't want to know about.

"Shiiit." I groaned.

Today had been so good. I was hoping that I could get past the way something bad always happened on my good days, but today wasn't that day.

I sighed and clicked on Denise's texts first. At first, it was just her yelling at me about keeping something from her. Then wanting to know every detail of the kiss and what happened last night.

After that, she started apologizing.

"Callie, I'm sorry about all of this. You must know by now, since you aren't answering me. I know that I probably should've minded my own damn business, but I just can't keep overlooking this shit. You won't stand up for yourself, and I can't keep seeing him bad mouthing you like this. Stay off of Facebook. I know he'll probably text you, since you won't block his fucking number though. Just know that we were trying to protect you. I love you."

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