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I didn't have the confidence to wear a bikini. I knew that it wouldn't look right and that I would probably be judged, if anyone saw me. I couldn't stand one pieces either though.

Having to practically get naked just to pee was a little much. So, tankinis were my only option. They were cute, covered my belly and still allowed me to pee with ease.

Once I had it on, I looked in the mirror. I fluffed my hair and tossed some over each shoulder, so that it hung down over my breasts. The black and pink striped top tied around my neck, and had a circle open in between my breasts.

It clung to me, all the way down to my belly button. The black bottoms were high waisted, leaving only about an inch or two of my skin showing, with a silver and pink stitched rose in the middle of the band. I loved it, but I hated the way that I looked in bathing suits.

I used to always wear a t-shirt over them, no matter what, but Will had stopped me.

I thought of the words he had said to me and smiled at the memory.

"You are beautiful and sexy, Callie. You have nothing to be ashamed of. People are not judging you, when they look at you. They're either checking you out or being jealous of that amazingly sexy body. Show it off. For me?"

I made a face at my reflection, then smiled. It was going to be a good day. I pulled my jeans on, grabbed a t-shirt, slid my sneakers on, and went back to the living room to get my phone.

Will was standing beside the recliner, with my phone in his hands. He looked up and smiled, then let his eyes roam my body freely.

"Damn, you're sexy." He groaned.

I rolled my eyes, but my confidence rose a little.

"Why do you have my phone?" I asked, holding my hand out for it.

He cocked his eyebrow, but set the phone in my outstretched palm.

"Someone was calling. I didn't make it to it in time though. They hung up right when I picked it up. Then you walked in."

"Oh." I replied, feeling foolish. "Thanks."

I glanced down at it, and saw that Colby had been the one who had called. Probably a good thing that Will hadn't made it to it in time. I decided to shoot him a quick text before we left.

Before I could send it, Will called my name from the kitchen.

When had he gone in the kitchen?

"Callie?" He called out.

"Yeah?" I replied, looking up in surprise, when I saw that he wasn't there.

"Do you want Mountain Dew or Pepsi?"

I slid my phone into my pocket, thinking that I would finish the text later, and walked into the kitchen. "Neither." I replied, with a smile. "Water for me, please."

He rolled his eyes in exasperation. "Please tell me that you're not on another stupid diet. You don't need to be, Baby! You're perfect."

I felt my cheeks flame up at his response, but it made me feel good.

I shrugged my shoulders and met his gaze.

"I'm not. I just know that I don't drink enough water. I'm trying to be a little bit healthier."

He grinned, abandoned the drinks that he was putting into a  wicker picnic basket, and walked over to me. He placed his hands on my waist and pulled me close to his body, while I draped my arms around his neck. He leaned in close, lowering his lips to mine, giving me a sweet, warm kiss...before I felt him grab my ass with both hands and squeeze.

I jerked back in surprise and squealed. He laughed and held me tight.

"I don't know, Cal. You seem pretty healthy to me." He smirked.

"Oh, shut up, you perv." I laughed, rolling my eyes.

Eventually, after a lot more embraces, and one quickie on the couch, we managed to get everything into the car and hit the road.

"So, I know we're going swimming, or something, even though I don't know how to swim, so that wouldn't really be logical, but I love the water, so-"

Will cut me off. "You're rambling." He laughed, as he reached over and rested his hand on my thigh. "You'll see when we get there. It's nothing special really. Just a place where we can relax and be together."

"UGH, just tell me!" I exclaimed, dramatically throwing my arm over my eyes.

"Nope." He laughed. "And don't do that! We'll wreck."

I had already moved my arm, because obviously, I needed my eyes to drive, but I gave him a skeptical look. "Please, if I haven't wrecked all of those times when your hand was down my pants, then I think I'll be fine." I replied, smiling at him sweetly.

"Is that right?" He asked, smirking at me.

I giggled and knew what was coming. After an incredible climax while driving, he directed me to the destination. It always excited me a little bit, when we did things like that.

Maybe it was the adrenaline from possibly being seen, even though I NEVER wanted to be seen doing those scandalous things. It was just exciting.

"Um, where do I park?" I asked, as I pulled onto the shoulder of the road and down a short dirt path.

"Just stop here, under those trees." He replied, pointing to the edge of what looked like a forest.

"We're going swimming in a forest?" I asked, scrunching my nose up.

I loved nature but I hated what was in it.

"Kind of. Come on." He exclaimed, with excitement.

I helped him grab the basket of food and drinks, the blanket, and a couple of camping chairs, then followed behind him to wherever we were going. Sure enough, we went into the trees. Now, I was very thankful that he had told me to wear jeans and sneakers.

I kept my eyes on the ground, looking for possible snakes or other nasty creatures, that I didn't even see what we had walked up to.

"Here we are. What do you think?" He asked, as he set the basket down onto the ground and turned to look at me.

I looked up and met his gaze for a half a second, before I looked around me at the stunning view. We were on a type of small cliff, overlooking a lake so blue, it couldn't be real.

"Wow." I breathed out, walking closer to the edge.

I barely noticed when his warm hands came around my waist and rested on my stomach.

"Not too close. Wouldn't want you to fall in." He murmured softly in my ear.

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