197 Colby's POV

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The night went by quicker than I wanted it too. One second, I was playing Mario Kart, convinced that I was about to beat Ben (I wasn't even close), and the next, I was standing outside, next to my car, telling them goodbye. 

"Thank you for coming," Callie said, cordially. "We enjoyed it." "Yeah, we did too," Sam replied, shaking Ben's hand. The kid flushed with pride at Sam treating him like an adult, making me smile. "See you later, dude," I smiled at him, and held my fist out. He bumped it with his own and nodded. "See you. I'll take you guys on anytime. Whatever game you want. Bring money." 

"Ben!" Callie exclaimed, Sam and I burst out laughing. "The kid has game and skills," Sam said. "Makes me proud." "Hey, if you got it, you got it," Ben replied, with a shrug and a small grin. "Wow," Callie murmured, watching him with wide eyes. "How did you get so smug?" 

His blue eyes twinkled, as he smiled at her. "Because you never fail to remind me of how amazing I am. This is your fault." She rolled her eyes and smiled, while she reached up to ruffle his blonde hair. "I guess you are pretty amazing. Times up though. Tell the guys goodnight, and go get your shower." 

"Ugghh, Mom, do I have too? I'm 15! Can't I stay up until 12?" he groaned, like only a teenager could. "Don't push it," she replied, pointing her finger at him. "You already have until 11, and I don't really agree with that. Go." I couldn't stop the smirk that curved one corner of my lips, as I watched her. I had noticed how softspoken she was now. She didn't really disagree with anything, or voice her own opinion, unless she was drunk. Seeing her be the authority figure was kinda hot. 

"Fine," Ben grumbled. He threw his hand up at us. "See you guys," he said, before he started back towards the house. "Thanks for inviting us, Callie. The food was delicious and I really enjoyed hanging out with you and Ben. Maybe we can do it again, before we have to go." "Definitely," she agreed, as she leaned in to hug him. 

"Okay, I'm gonna go sit in the car. See you later," he said, before he threw me a wink and climbed into our rental. Leaving Callie and me alone. I'd have to thank him later. "So," I said, as I held my arms out to her. She smiled, softly, then took the few steps between us, closing the distance. 

When she reached me, her arms circled my neck and she lay her head against my chest, as I closed my arms around her waist and rested my cheek on her head. We didn't say anything. There was no need. Not yet. 

After a few moments, she leaned away, but kept her arms around my neck. "I'm so glad you guys came. I really did enjoy the company," she said, quietly. "I don't really get interaction with anyone but the ones who live here...and I don't usually like them." I laughed, then leaned towards her and pressed my lips to hers, before she knew what was happening. 

The sharp gasp that she sucked in, just before my lips touched her was like an electric shock to my system. She always acted like anything I did was so intense, so big. It was almost scary. I didn't push make the kiss deeper. I simply held my lips to hers for a couple of seconds, then lifted back. 

"I guess I better get going," I murmured, not really wanting to leave, but knowing that I had too. She nodded slightly, but the look on her face told me that she felt the same way. I didn't want to hurt her by starting something that couldn't possibly work, but I didn't want to pass this chance up either. I had wanted her for years. Now, it seemed like she might want me too. 

"Y-yeah," she stammered out, then cleared her throat. "Yeah. It's getting late. Thanks for your help. With the animals and cleaning." "No problem," I replied, pressing my fingers into her hips. "I'll see you tomorrow? Or whenever," she answered. "I didn't mean to presume that you would be by tomorrow or anything. I just meant, um, well, I guess I meant that I'll see you whenever. Sometime this week. Yeah-" 

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