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"It's okay. I'm sorry that I made you feel that way. I just get stressed when it's time to pay the bills." I replied.

"So, we're okay?" He asked, hopefully.

I smiled and nodded, just as Dusty walked towards the truck. Will grinned, then jumped out of the truck to greet him.

"What's up, my brother?!" He yelled, before slapping Dusty's hand.

"Not shit." Dusty replied.

Then he went into a detailed description of the fight that he and Charlotte had. I waited a few minutes, watching the time, then had to say something.

"Come on, guys!" I exclaimed. "Get in! I need to be at work really soon. I might already be late getting there, unless I speed."

Will rolled his eyes, with a smile, then clapped Dusty's arm. "Come on, dude, before she has a meltdown. You don't want to see that. It's not pretty." He said.

I huffed out a breath and glared at him, but he just smiled, and climbed into the truck beside me. My little truck wasn't meant for a lot of people at all, but three of us could fit relatively comfortably. Will squeezed into the middle seat, beside me, and let Dusty have the window seat. Thank God.

I definitely wouldn't have felt comfortable sitting this close to him. I let my mind drift, as the guys talked. I didn't really care about Dusty and Char's relationship.

I had my own problems to worry about. I drove as fast as I felt safe doing, until I finally pulled into my yard. Dusty and Will jumped out of the truck, not saying a word to me.

I was shocked. He didn't even bother telling me goodbye, or have a good night, or anything.

No kiss, no nothing.

Just before they walked into the house, he turned back and waved at me, then shouted out "I love you!"

I felt a little better, because I thought that he had forgotten. He probably just got caught up talking to his friend.

"Love you!" I yelled back.

I only ended up being about 10 minutes late, and my manager had left early. One of the second shift waitresses had stayed until I got there. She was a sweet old lady named Eva.

"Are you okay, honey?" She asked me, as I rushed into the restaurant, tying my apron behind me.

I nodded and gave her a quick smile.

"I am. Just ran out of time today. Thank you for staying, Ms. Eva. I'm sorry that I'm late."

"Oh pish tosh, it's okay, sweetie. We all have bad days. Do you need my help with anything before I go? You only have two tables right now, and Becky will be coming in, in a few hours. She called earlier and said she would be late. She had to find another baby sitter, but they won't be able to make it to her until around midnight. Damned if I know why someone can't be there a little earlier on a weeknight but whatever." She replied, in only the way a wise, older person can.

I laughed and nodded.

"Yes ma'am. Thank you for letting me know. I think I can handle it till she gets here though."

"You're sure?" She asked, giving the guy that was sitting in one of the back booths a dirty look. "I'm not sure I like him. He gives me the willies. Be careful of that one."

"I'm sure." I replied. "I will be. Thank you. You be careful going home, okay?"

"Oh honey, I might be old, but I can still drive a car. See you later." She said, waving as she walked out the door.

I waved back, with a smile. I watched as she pulled her big body Cadillac out onto the road, effectively cutting off a little red Miata. I laughed when I heard the shrill horn from the little car.

Nothing could hurt Ms. Eva in that Cadillac.

"Miss?" I heard the guy in the back booth call.

I looked over to him and held up my finger.

"Be right with you." I said, loud enough for him to hear.

I grabbed the ticket that Eva had left on the back counter and hurried over to the guy.

"Yes sir?" I asked. "Are you ready for your check?"

"No, I'm ready to talk to this pretty lady that's standing by my table. How about I order your phone number?"

My eyes shot up in annoyance. I absolutely hated it when they did this.

"No, sorry, that's not on the menu. I can help you with a refill on your drink though, or maybe some coffee." I replied, smiling just a little.

"Aw." He pouted.

He was cute, I had to admit. Roughly 20 years old, with dark hair and blue eyes.

Colby popped into my mind, when I saw those eyes. I hadn't texted him today. He didn't text me either.

That was strange. We usually talked every day, even if he just sent me a stupid meme. I'd have to check in with him, as soon as I got the chance.

I giggled at the guy's feigned disappointment, and shrugged my shoulders.

"Okay then, if I can't have your number, I'll take a slice of your cheesecake and a cup of coffee." He said, letting out a heavy sigh.

Oh, the acting was strong with this one.

"Coming right up." I replied.

I didn't feel any kind of bad vibe from the guy. Ms. Eva thought that every guy who had piercings or tattoos was trouble though. She was very old school.

Personally, I found that type of thing H O T. I wondered what Will would look like with a tattoo...or multiple tattoos. I had always wanted one, but I was too afraid that it would hurt.

We didn't have the money for frivolous things anyway, so it wasn't something that I needed to worry about.

The night was slow, so I ended up going home early, while Becky stayed to welcome in first shift. I wouldn't have minded staying for the extra cash, but it was her shift before it was mine. I was only on it for this week, then I was being moved back to second.

I had begged my manager for first shift, because I would much rather get up early, go to work, then be off by 2pm. I would have the entire rest of the day to do whatever I wanted. Unfortunately, she claimed that she needed me on second so that I could train the new employees.

Whatever. Will was right. I really needed to look for another job.

When I got home, the lights were still on inside the house, but I didn't see any movement.

"Oh, come on." I muttered.

The light bill was already too damn much, and here they were, going to sleep with the lights on. Thinking about that reminded me that I had to pay the light bill today.

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