185 Colby's POV

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God, I still got chills when I thought about her. She used to make my life hell. Now that was a girl who thought she was better than everyone else.

I decided to text Callie and let her know what was happening. I really hoped that she wouldn't be too upset with me, but I did fear a little bit of anger was going to come my way. So, it freaked me out when she wouldn't answer me back.

My instinct was to keep texting her, every few minutes. She never answered me.

So, I turned my frustration and anger back to the stupid Facebook post. The fans found me eventually, though I wasn't really sure how.

Facebook wasn't the same as Twitter. It shouldn't show my replies to everyone. Maybe things had changed since the last time I had used it.

I couldn't help but smirk, when I saw that they were now attacking Will. I usually hated when the drama started with the fans, but this time, I was okay with it. I wasn't sure how long I sat there, just arguing on this post, but one thing stopped me.

Callie commented.

It was only two words, but it worked.

"Please stop."

That was all she said. She didn't retaliate to any of the accusations or anything. She commented the same phrase on both Denise's and my own replies.

So, I did. I stopped.

"Shit." I muttered, as I stared at those two little words.

"She caught you, didn't she?" Sam asked, as he scrolled through his phone.

"Yeah." I replied, as I twisted my ring. "I should probably text her. Again."

I sighed and picked up my phone to do just that, when I received a text from her. If I'm being honest, my stomach may have dropped into my ass. I was actually a little scared to open it.

What if she was really pissed at me?

What if she never wanted to see or talk to me again?

She had asked me to leave it alone, but I couldn't do that. I mean, I told her that I wouldn't be able to though.

So, she knew this was gonna happen...right?

"You look like you've seen a ghost." Sam said, releasing me from my morbid thoughts.

"I just got a text from Callie." I told him, as I stared at my phone. "I might be the ghost, when she gets through with me."

He laughed and shook his head. "Brother, you really don't see it, do you?"

"See what?" I asked in confusion, as I looked up at him.

"Callie loves you, dude. Not just that, but she's attracted to you. Don't get me wrong, she's been through a lot. Anyone can see that. I don't claim to know anything about girls. Katrina is still a mystery to me on most days. But it's interesting what you notice when you're on the outside, looking in." He replied.

Now, I really was confused.

"Huh?" Was all I was able to muster up.

He shrugged and grinned.

"I'm just saying. Last night was eye opening. She kind of gravitates towards you, just like you do her. She watched you, when you don't realize it. That shyness that she shows you every time you happen to catch her eye? She doesn't do that with me. She didn't do it with Nate. She didn't do it with anyone at that party. It's only with you. She gets shy, sure, but she tries really hard not to show it. It's like she can't help herself around you, though."

I shook my head, amazed at how wrong he was.

Usually, he was pretty good at reading people.

"Nah, man, you're wrong. She might love me, but it's only in friendship form. I lost that battle a long time ago. Besides, she's been through too much for me to even think about anything like that right now. She needs a friend more than she needs another guy in her life. She's probably just awkward around me, because she knows that I used to like her. Then, last night, she told me everything that happened between her and Will, so that probably doesn't help the awkwardness. That's all it is."

He shrugged again but kept that little know it all grin on his face. "Whatever you say, man. Whatever you say."

"Oh, fuck off." I replied, rolling my eyes.

Instead of listening to him be completely off base, telling me exactly what I wanted to hear, I opened the text from Callie.

"Why would you go after him like that?! Colby, I begged you not to. He does this all the time. It blows over. Now, instead of just this town knowing my business, the entire world is going to know, because of your fans! Do you realize how fucking embarrassing this is for me? I don't need you, or anyone else, coming to my rescue. I've dealt with it all on my own for years, without anyone else. I know how to deal with it. I know you think you're helping, and I appreciate that, but please stay out of it."

How was I supposed to respond to that?

My mind was coming up with all the things that I shouldn't say like 'I don't think you've been dealing with it very well for all these years, or you wouldn't still be dealing with it' and 'You apparently do need me to come to your rescue, because you aren't doing it for yourself.'

I knew better than to say those things though, even if I did think they were true.

So, I sent her the only thing that I could.

"I'm sorry, Cal. Couldn't seem to help myself. I promise this will blow over with the fandom, too. I promise I'll try to be good for the remainder of my stay here. I'll try. Feel like talking?"

I knew that the only way that I was going to be able to stop arguing with that asshole, was if I got off Facebook, so I logged out and closed my laptop.

"She pissed?" Sam asked.

He was up, changing into some clothes that looked like he planned on going out for the night.

"For her, I guess so. Still nice as fuck." I replied. "Where are you going, all dressed up?"

He shot me a grin in the mirror, as he started to fix his hair.

"There's a new club that opened up a couple months back. About two towns over. Thought we could check it out. You down?"

"Hell yes." I said, jumping out of the bed.

I had literally been sitting there all day, on the fucking computer.

When was the last time I had done that?

My brain felt fried.

I jumped in the shower, sped through that, then threw on the best outfit that I had with me. Black was always a must in my wardrobe and traveling didn't change that.

I put on my short sleeve, button up, black Balenciaga shirt, paired that with a nice pair of black jeans, my new Gucci belt, then looked down at the only pair of shoes that I had brought.

"Shit." I muttered, kicking at the dirty, black slip-on skate shoes.

They were gonna fuck up the entire fit.

"I don't think it matters here, Colby." Sam snickered. "This isn't LA. No one is gonna know what brand you're wearing, and they probably wouldn't care anyway. Just put on the damn shoes and let's go."

I sighed and did as he said.

What choice did I have really?

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