180 Colby's POV

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"No problem. If you ever get that hair up your ass that makes you want to literally kick his ass, let me know. I'll be your tap in." She responded.

"You can bet on it." I said, letting the anger come through my words.

"Can't wait." She replied. "Good talking to you."

"You too." I said, before I disconnected the phone.

I blow dried my hair, grabbed my dirty clothes from the bathroom floor, and walked back into the room. Sam was on the phone, out on the balcony. He had left the bedroom door open, so there was a nice breeze coming into the room, along with the air conditioner being on.

I loved it.

"I miss you too, baby." I heard him coo into his phone.

He had to be talking to Katrina, his long time girlfriend, who was back in LA. I sat down on my bed and quickly installed Facebook. It took me a few tries, but I finally managed to log into my old account.

Shit, there was still a picture of me from one of our very first conventions, as my profile picture. I never did change it. I went to Callie's page, then found Will's page from there.

Why was she still friends with this dickhead? Damn, she was just too nice for her own good. I sighed and shook my head.

I loved Callie. I always had...but even some of the things that I loved about her, like the fact that she always tried to be nice and see the best in others, totally bit her in the ass. Some people took advantage of that fact and tried to run over her every chance they got.

Like Will, for example. I knew that some of her family used to do that too. Like her sister, her uncles, and her nephews, whom she grew up with, as if they were siblings.

Even when we were kids, I just wanted to take her away from all of that shit. Stuff her in a bubble and protect her from those that used her and hurt her. Didn't seem like it had gotten any better either.

I wasn't sure how things were with her family, because we hadn't discussed it, but I knew that Will was 100 times worse than he used to be. God, it pissed me off just thinking about it! He took his time, grooming and conditioning her to be the person that he wanted her to be.

Then made sure that she knew she still wasn't enough. The thing was, I had never even been in a fight. I wasn't sure if he had been either.

I did go to the gym to workout, took a fitness boxing course with my friend, Brennen, and rough housed with my friends, Jake and Corey, when they lived with me. I was positive that I could take him, even with experience though. If it came to that, and I prayed that it would, then I was going to have to watch him to make sure he didn't pull any shady shit. He was just that kind of prick.

I turned my attention back to the task at hand and pulled up his Facebook profile. At first glance, I wanted to puke. His header was a picture of him and that girl, Kelly, or whatever her name was.

Up close and personal, with all of his sunken face and meth eaten teeth showing. The girl wasn't ugly, because I thought that all women had their own personal beauty, but she had nothing on Callie. The strange thing, though, was that I could see a resemblance between the two.

When I had seen them at the liquor store, Kelly had black hair, very obviously dyed. It didn't go well with her fair complexion and there were black stains lining her face. In this photo, her natural hair was almost the same as Callie's.

A darker blonde, with natural highlights. All she was missing was those gorgeous red undertones that seemed to pull the lighter colors out, so that they highlighted her face. Their nose was similar, except that Callie's was a touch smaller and turned up just a little.

The girl had blue eyes, while Callie's were hazel. I scrolled a little and saw a full body picture of her. She was much shorter than Callie. Like, over a foot shorter, and plumper.

The girl definitely wasn't my type, but I still didn't see what she saw in Will.

How did he trick these girls into falling for him? I thought about the way he had treated her in the store parking lot. Making her carry the heavy bags and cussing at her because she wouldn't hurry up.

It was shameful, but he was never ashamed of anything. She had tagged him in quite a few sickeningly sweet quote pictures, so I had to scroll through all of those, before I found the one that I was looking for. Actually, I saw a few others before I found that one.

They didn't say Callie's name, but I could just feel the intentional malice directed at her from the posts.

"Stupid bitch, you really think he's going to stick around? For you?! Please, he'll be fucking a new bitch as soon as he leaves. Enjoy it while you can and don't come crawling to me for a fix."

I skipped the comments and scrolled down.

"I guess it was always him, huh? You were probably fucking him on the side back in high school. Our entire relationship was a lie."

I took a deep breath and scrolled down, until a rather long one caught my eye. I started to read.

The more I read, the tighter I balled my fists up.

"That was OUR business, Callie! YOU AND ME! But you felt like you could just let him read our personal texts and text me back with that fucked up shit?! I was just looking out for our son. You've got everyone thinking that you're some kind of goody two shoes, who does nothing wrong, while I'm the evil bad guy who stole your virtue, or some shit. That's bullshit! You're telling people that I forced you to have sex with me, when you were a virgin! That's a fucking LIE and you know it! You agreed to have sex after 3 MONTHS of us dating! I didn't force you to do anything! You didn't even act like it hurt, so you probably weren't even a virgin anyway. You're nothing but a lying whore! You wouldn't work with me to change the night of OUR SON'S birthday party, so I couldn't go, but you made sure that your old flame showed up, huh? You made sure that Ben has been talking to some guy almost every damn night, just because he's got a little money, but you won't let him call me once a week?! Got everyone thinking you're such a great mom and I'm a shit dad, but you're the one who was seen partying it up at the bar a few weeks ago. Not me! I sit home with my soon to be wife, while you slip into empty rooms at a dirty bar to fuck whoever you can. Such a great role model for your son. You started this bullshit, Callista, so DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT TRYING ME! FUCKING NASTY WHORE BITCH."

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