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I sighed, knowing that the argument was going nowhere.

"I took more than any one person should have to. So, until you accept the blame for what YOU did, you'll never be happy. I'm okay with that. I'm done. Have fun with your new bitch. Maybe she'll be stupid, like I was, and fall for your words. Goodbye, Will." I said, then disconnected, without waiting for a reply. "I fucking hate you." I mumbled, staring at my phone.

Then, shock replaced the exhausting hate, when I saw a notification pop up. I had a message from the Sam and Colby account on Instagram.

I didn't wait a second, before I was opening the app and heading to my DMs.

"Hey, Callie! It's been a long time, but of course I remember you! I thought I would DM you back on this account, because I had to post some stuff from here, but I did see your message on my personal account. This is Sam, btw. Colby is gonna be so excited to hear from you. He still talks about you from time to time. You meant a lot to him. I can't believe you have a kid! That's awesome! I bet you're a great mom. I would love to talk to him for a few minutes. Not through messages though. How about I give him a call? What would be the best time?"

I stared at my phone screen, unable to comprehend what was happening. Ben was at school right now, but I was slowly freaking out.

"Pull it together, you dumb ass!" I told myself. "It's just Sam. A nerdy kid from school. You know how to talk like a normal person."

I let out a heavy breath and started to message him back. "Hey Sam! Thank you for responding! I wasn't sure you would see it. Don't think you have to do this, just because you know who I am. I understand that you guys have a lot to do, probably. I don't want you to think I'm using you. I guess I am a little bit. Ben just adores you and this would mean so much to him. I'd do anything for him." I calculated the difference in time zones, then typed in the best time for him to call, along with both mine, and Ben's phone number.

"Sounds good! I'll talk to you then! I'll tell Colby that you said hi!"

For some reason, I wanted to beg him NOT to tell Colby anything. The possibility of talking to him again was daunting, especially after everything he put up with from me. I cringed when I thought about the night on the roof and the way I literally snotted on him, before I kissed him. Gross.

I read the message from Sam again and smiled. He was going to talk to Ben! Oh my God, the kid was going to be overjoyed and I couldn't wait to see his face.

I was definitely going to have my phone ready to record.

The hours seemed to drag by until I picked the kids up from school.

"What are you so happy about?" Ben asked me, as soon as he got in the car.

"Huh?" I asked, dropping the smile that I didn't even realize I had. "What do you mean? I'm always happy when I pick you up!"

This child had the nerve to scoff at me. "Psshh, whatever. No, you aren't. Did you win some money or something? Are we getting a new car? What happened?" He insisted.

I laughed and shook my head.

"Nothing happened! Jesus, you act like I'm never happy and that isn't true."

"No, I'm not saying you are never happy. You're just extra happy today. I know that something is up. Did you get me a surprise? Is that why you're happy?" He asked, cocking his eyebrow at me.

"Now, why would I be happy about you getting something?" I replied.

"Because. You always say that if I'm happy, then you're happy." He responded, with a wink.

"You're such a turd." I laughed.

"Takes one to know one." He said, in a mocking tone.

"Ugh, shut up." I replied, then turned up the music and sang along as loudly as I could, just to annoy him.

"NO! Mom! STOP!" He yelled, clamping his hands over his ears.

My singing wasn't the greatest, but it really wasn't as bad as he pretended it was. He just liked to tease me. I joked and laughed with the kids on the ride to my brother's place, then it was just me and Ben on the ride back home.

Time slowed down again, as Ben did his homework and a couple of chores. Sam was supposed to call about an hour and a half before bedtime, so there was still plenty of time to go.

When it was finally time to make dinner, I didn't feel like any heavy cooking or clean up tonight, so I threw a couple of frozen pizzas in the oven and set the timer. While I was waiting on those to cook, I decided to make my homemade garlic butter dipping sauce that Ben loved. It was pretty simple to make, but the ingredients had to be just right, and I had to get that crusty film off the top of the melted butter.

I kept stealing glances at the time on the stove. I definitely did not want us to miss this call.

A couple of hours later, and a slight argument about getting an early bath, it was finally time for the call. I was nervously chewing my nails and glancing at my phone. Shit!

What if he called on Ben's phone?!

"Hey, do you have your ringer on?" I asked him.

We were sitting in the living room, watching Ghost Adventures.

He looked at me, from his spot on the couch, with confusion.

"Um, no ma'am? I never have it on. Why?"

"Because Denise said that Xander was going to call you to see if you wanted to go swimming or something with him this weekend, I think. I don't want you to miss the call." I lied.

"Well, I don't even know how to swim and it's on vibrate. I'll feel it, if he calls." He replied, still looking at me strangely.

"Okay. Just checking." I replied, then turned my attention back to the TV, or at least, I pretended to.

15 minutes after the time that Sam was supposed to call, and I was losing hope. He had forgotten. I knew it.

I sighed and glanced over at Ben. I was glad that I hadn't mentioned it to him, because I didn't like to see him let down. He had had enough of that in his life.

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