160 Colby's POV

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Once again, I let my eyes move over the swell of her hips and the thickness of her thighs. Jesus Christ. I felt like that young, horny teenage kid again.

I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths to calm myself, before walking her drink over to her. She never once opened her eyes.

I tapped her shoulder to get her attention. Only then, did they snatch open, with a look of fright, while her body tensed up. The apprehension in her eyes relaxed when she saw me, but not by much.

"Sorry." She laughed, nervously, as she took the drink that I offered. "I guess I was caught up in my own little world."

"That's alright." I replied. "I enjoyed the show." I smirked, to let her know that I was just teasing.

I had enjoyed the show though.

She rolled her eyes and sat down on the foot of the bed.

"Yeah, right. I probably looked like a beached whale or something, just flopping around in the middle of the room." She replied, laughing a little.

Annoyance flared up in me, at how she was degrading herself.

"Don't say that about yourself!" I demanded.

She flinched back, just a little, at my tone. Not much, but enough for me to notice.

"Sorry." She muttered, as she looked down at her lap.

I sighed and watched her fingers start to tap the sides of her cup. I sat down next to her and bumped her shoulder with my own.

"No, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to sound mean. It just breaks my heart that you still speak that way about yourself. I think you do it more now, than you did when we were kids." I said, softly.

She shrugged and kept looking down.

"It doesn't matter." She replied. "I'll try to be nicer to myself. While I'm around you, at least."

She looked up and gave me a small smile, but it didn't really reach her eyes. It was like she had practiced and perfected that particular smile, just to appease people. Or maybe just one person.

What had happened to my strong girl, who gave me shit just for saying something that she thought would hurt someone's feelings? Damn it, I was going to kill that bastard. I didn't know what he had done to her, but she had lost her spirit.

She had lost a part of herself.

"Can I ask you a serious question?" I asked her.

She bit her bottom lip, making my stomach tighten, as my eyes dropped down to her mouth for a moment. When I met her eyes again, they were apprehensive. Like she didn't really want me to ask anything, but also didn't want to tell me no.

I was actually going to fucking kill him.

"If you don't want to answer, then just tell me that. I won't be mad. I swear." I sighed.

She swallowed hard and nodded her head.

"Okay, I know what you told me at the liquor store. I know that you said he never hurt you...but I don't think I believe that. I think maybe you were just saying that because we were in front of him. So, I'm going to ask you again. Did he ever put his hands on you? Did he physically hurt you, Callie?" I asked, trying to make my voice soft and gentle.

I didn't want to let her hear the anger that I was feeling towards this piece of shit. Again, she started to chew her bottom lip and looked down into her lap.

"Remember that you don't have to answer me, if you don't want to. Not yet, anyway." I reminded her.

She sighed heavily and looked back up at me.

"Not really. Can we go outside and talk about this? I just don't want the entire room to hear me." She pleaded.

Only then did I remember that we were in a room full of other people. The sound of the music and the chatter from the others started to bleed back into my consciousness. I looked around, surprised that they were all still there, talking and laughing.

"Uh, yeah, sure." I replied, stupidly.

I stood up and held out my hand to her. She held her finger up for me to wait a moment. My mouth fell open a little, as I watched her turn her full drink up and down the entire thing.

She smacked and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand.

"I need a refill, if I'm going to do this." She said, before letting out the smallest burp.

Her face flushed and one hand went to cover her mouth.

"Oh my God, excuse me!" She gasped out. "I did not mean to do that. God, that must've sounded gross. I'm sorry."

I started to laugh and shook my head, as I took her empty cup. "No worries. That wasn't even considered a burp. I've heard you do worse, if you remember."

Her face scrunched up, as she tried to think about that statement. Then I saw recognition flash in her eyes.

"OH! I forgot about the burping contest! Colby, that was so long ago and I didn't know any better! Fucking gross." She laughed.

I was glad to see that she was loosening up a bit. Although, I suspected that she would just try to shut down again, when we went outside.

I shrugged and grinned.

"You always beat me back then. Bet I could take you down now."

She rolled her eyes again and gave me a tiny smile. "You took my cup, so make my drink and let's go. It's now or never." She said.

My smile spread even wider at her using my slogan for my YouTube page and merchandise.

"What? What are you smiling at? Do I have something on my face?" She asked.

Okay, so apparently, she didn't remember that it was my slogan. I had to admit that it was a small blow to my ego, but no one said that everyone had to watch my stuff. It was fine.

"No." I laughed. "You're just cute. Let me get your drink." It only took me a couple of minutes to get it fixed up, pour myself another shot, and mix my own drink, before I turned around and found her standing behind me. "Whoa!" I exclaimed, as I narrowly avoided hitting her with the full cups in my hands.

"Oh shit, sorry!" She gasped.

"No problem. Drinks are safe. Clothes are safe. Here ya go." I said, handing her, her drink.

She sipped it and closed her eyes for a second.

"This is so good. Why does it taste better when you make it?" She asked.

"Cuz I'm the master." I laughed, as I held out my hand to her. "Let's go sit outside."

She took my hand, hesitantly, and let me lead her out of the motel room. This place was definitely not what we were used to anymore, but it wasn't like we hadn't stayed in rooms just like this for years. We weren't too good to stay anywhere.

We just liked to take advantage of better offers, if we could.

The chilly air felt good, as it hit me in the face. I hadn't realized how stuffy that damn room was.

I let her hand go and sat down on the concrete walkway. Then, I scooted forwards, until I could hang my legs over the side, while looking through the gate. I looked back up at Callie, who was watching me, and smiled.

"You coming?" I asked, patting the empty space next to me.

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