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Drinking and driving was incredibly stupid and one of the most selfish things a person could do. They weren't just putting themselves in danger, but every person who crossed their path, as well. I would never do that.

My brother said that he would watch Ben and our mom for me, so I started getting ready...or, I tried to. I started to question everything that I put on. Too dressy, too causal. Too hot, too cold. Comfortable shoes, stylish shoes.

Why was this so hard?

When I was about ready to pull my hair out, I got a text from Will.

"So, you're really going over to her place tonight?" It read.

I sighed and let my head fall back in exasperation.

"Yes, I am." I replied back, before dropping my phone into my purse.

I was not going to let him ruin this for me.

Why couldn't I just go hang out with my friend and watch a movie or something? I stared at myself in the mirror, at my distressed jeans, white t-shirt with a slightly glittery skull on the front, and my white boots. This was fine.

I was just hanging out at her place. She wasn't going to make me go anywhere that I didn't want to go. All I had to do was tell her that I didn't want to go, if she suggested it.

That was going to be the problem. I was a people pleaser, never learning how to say no, but Denise knew that, and she knew how to read my face.

I kissed Ben and Mom goodbye and jumped into my car. The drive to her place was only about 15 minutes, but it felt like it was taking forever. I was so nervous and really had no clue why.

This was stupid. It was just Denise! It had just been so long since I hung out with a friend, with no guys or kids.

I pulled up into the apartment parking lot and sat there for a minute, collecting my thoughts. I hadn't even asked if her boyfriend was going to be here. Surely, he wouldn't be though.

She said it was a girls' night. I had to stop being so damn anxious.

I took a deep breath and got out of my car. I locked it, then headed towards her apartment. It was on the second floor, so I started up the stairs.

Right when I made it to the top, a door opened, and Denise flew towards me. She threw her arms around me and squeezed. I laughed and squeezed her back.

"It's about fucking time we had time for just us." She said, smiling as she let me go.

"I know right?" I replied. "We've never even hung out alone. And we've been best friends for how long now? 7 years?"

"Yup, almost 8. Come on." She said, as she grabbed my hand and led me into her apartment.

I had been here a couple of times, but it was just to drop Ben off to hand out with Xander. He only got to see Xan when Denise had him. She tried to get him every weekend, but that didn't always work.

His parents didn't mind, but sometimes he wanted to hang out with his other friends. She had been living here for  about 2 or 3 months, but still didn't have everything unpacked. She was working on it though.

You could tell that she loved horror, because there were posters and POPs everywhere. Freddy Krueger stared down at me, from his position above the mantel. Jason, with that freaky mask and carrying a machete, watched me from the small hallway.

The POPs were lined up along this shelf over the kitchen cabinets, still in their boxes.

"You gotta come help me set everything up one day. I don't know when that will be though, cuz I'm always working." She said, seeing me looking at everything.

"Yeah, of course I will. Just let me know when so that I can make arrangements for Ben and Mom." I replied.

She nodded and pulled down two large wine glasses. I watched, as she poured a good amount into each glass, then turned to pass me one.

"I don't really like wine." I said, staring down at the pink liquid.

I had seen my sister and cousins drink red wine a lot and I had tried it. It wasn't pleasing to me. I didn't really like grape juice though, so the strong flavor mixed with alcohol wasn't for me.

"This one is really good. Just try it. You might like it." She replied.

I held the glass in my hand and followed her over to the couch.

"So, I was thinking we could watch a couple of horror movies, or whatever you want. I could do your nails, too. I have a whole kit to do gel nails. I'm not great at it, but you can be my Guinea pig."

"Um, okay." I laughed, hesitantly.

I wasn't that girl. I didn't get my hair or nails done, because it costs too much money, and I had never really had money. Not being with Will.

So, if I wanted nails, I would just get the press on ones. If I needed a haircut, then I would flip my hair over and do it myself. The only person I had ever taken to get a haircut was Ben.

Just because I knew that I couldn't do it, and I didn't want to send him to school looking all messed up.

Denise hit play and the very first 'Nightmare on Elm Street', with a young Johnny Depp, came on.

"Ugh, I love this movie." I groaned, settling down into the couch.

I took a sip of the wine, not thinking, and grimaced.

"You don't like it?" Denise asked.

I let the flavor lay on my tongue for a minute before I answered.

"It's not bad, actually. I could drink this. I was just expecting something else when I had the first sip." I replied. "I gotta drive tonight though. I can't really drink a lot."

"Oh, you don't have to!" She exclaimed. "I'll drink whatever you don't want, and I'll cut you off if you start drinking too much. Deal?" I smiled and nodded. "Great, now pay attention to Freddy. He lives in your closet and will come out to kill you tonight, if you don't."

I rolled my eyes and smiled. "Dork." I replied.

"You love me." She said, winking at me.

We watched the movie then, but we weren't quiet about it. We cussed at the dumbass characters, laughed when Freddy said one of his famous retorts, and cheered him on when he was about to kill someone.

Afterwards, she turned on some show, with the volume down, and grabbed her nail supplies. I picked a color and length, opting for short because I had shit to do, and watched the process.

While she buffed out my nails, she started to talk.

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