Chapter 13 Matter of Opinion (Strings POV)

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(writer's random convo: Yay! I got Lewis's autograph! Turns out he spells it Luis, which I think suits him X3 Sorry that it took me like a week to get this chapter up, but folios and deadlines I could barely get to the PC for two minutes T-T Easter holidays now though! So loads of time for uploads :D Did my third gig last night- wooo, Mainstream Unheard! Go us! Not really lol We've only done two covers and one song that I pretty much made up and only our parents and a room of thirty randomers come to see us o.0 I wish we were as big as I make Lazer Graffiti T-T Anyway, thanks for reading so far, hope you like this chapter... though I have a funny feeling by the end of it you won't... but anyhow! Continuing...)

Chapter 13

Matter of Opinion


'You told him what?'

'That Ray travelled...'

Oh I could not believe this moron. What was he thinking? 'You should have told him the truth!'

'I couldn't!' He retorted.

I raised a hand to my head. I knew what this was about, I knew why he didn't tell the truth, 'You still hate his guts don't you!'

'No I don't! I really like him!'

'Then why the hell did you have to tell him that? Why not change the subject?'

'Because I couldn't- a-and the truth would only hurt him.'

'It will hurt him more when he finds out the truth!'

'If he finds out.'

'He's gonna find out, Red, he bloody is- you can't avoid it forever!' I slouched back in my chair and breathed heavily into my hands.

Red fell back onto the carpet and let tears roll from his eyes. Crybaby. Always the crybaby. Could never get him to stop crying, could only ever get him to start. Drummer looked between us and then sighed loudly.

'We'll tell him the truth after the Websing gig.' Websing was the extremely popular cyber cafe that became more of a computer arcade lounge that served drinks with a massive venue in the back. We had already booked it and sold one hundred out of two hundred tickets, which was extremely good for a fresh band, an extremely good omen and most of the feedback was on how Chris was so wicked at guitar. If we lost her now, we were goners.

'Good idea, Drummer...' I said quietly, trying to calm my rage which had made it so tempting to just bury my fist right into Red's face. 'Besides, he is just a fan of Ray, right? Kurt Cobain died but if Dave Grohl kept that from me I would forgive him, eventually.' I saw him shift uncomfortably on the floor, realising that there was more to it than that. 'Red.' I snarled, 'He's not just a fan is he?'

He became as solid as a stone statue and just as fragile as if I pushed him he shatter on the floor. I was tempted.

'He was friends with Ray when they were kids,' He said eventually, 'he was one of the guys Ray taught.' I was fuming now, raging completely and it made perfect sense if Ray taught him... But Ray didn't teach him. Ray taught her… Chris… Chris… oh shit… It was then Red told me more than he knew. Chris was Crystal. The babe who used to come see us in concert every Friday.

"She’s hot." I’d said without really looking, "I’ve done better though."

"She’s not hot." Ray had said with a gleam in his eyes. "Hot is coal, something you put on the fire for a night for some warmth- like you do, and find another one the next day. She… She is beautiful, like a diamond. Priceless. Irreplaceable. Worth too much to settle for everything. She is everything." I laughed out loud back then. Asked him what he snorted, if he had read too many of those mills and boons books he claimed to have read only to have a woman’s insight on life. Yeah right- it was book porn; he just wanted to look classier than me with my playboys. But in all honesty I was jealous. Jealous that he didn’t laugh with me, that he was so serious about what he was saying and the way he gazed at her in the crowd. I wanted that. I wanted to love someone just like that.

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