Chapter 1 The Emotic Romeo and Juliet (Sailor POV)

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(Writer's note: Yay- introducing a new(ish) character :D Hope you like him :3 Also, although I love mainly rock, I must admit I do enjoy music by The Script and Kelly Rowland- It's just Sailor who hates them.)

Chapter 1

The Emotic Romeo and Juliet


This party is shit.

It was held by my best friend Lewis’s bitch of a girlfriend. She had a mean face, a mean attitude and treated him more like her minion than her boyfriend. I felt for him, really, but the guy was an idiot. The view was good, half-drunk girls with low cut tops and mini skirts, jumping up and down on the dance floor. The music selection was crap up until a second ago- it was all Akon and The Script and things like that- finally, something I could dance to came on, Nanana (nananananananana) by MCR came on. One of my favourite bands, so I felt a tad insulted that they were played at such a chavy joint such as Illusion, but watchya gonna do?

I moved into the crowd, bouncing to the rhythm and grabbing the first gorgeous girl I could find. She happily danced with me. To be honest- I really didn’t like it. It would have its perks if I was actually allowed to sleep with her, but of course I wasn’t at this party to have fun- I was here to promote the band. "For our music to sell, we need to sell." Was Rosetta’s motto. I hated it. So many rules to make our public image look utterly cool and promiscuous- stupid more like it. I say we be ourselves- but Rosetta’s got a hold on us like no other woman would. Not because of her charm, or even the fact she slept with all of us but Heather, but because she was talented. We knew we could make it with her voice. Still, had to admit I missed the Crafters days.

Back then it was all about the music, with just three rules that Strings put down. 1. Have abs. 2. Don’t touch his porn collection. 3. Do whatever the hell you want. Rules I could get on board with- although the abs took hard work, it was worth the benefits of the girls. We all had a say in the songs- even Drummer- although I soon found out he didn’t even deserve to be in the band- the asshole.

There was a bigger problem now. They reformed, ditching the name and replacing Ray. Lazer Graffiti they called themselves. I really couldn’t believe it when I heard it- Red would have never went along with it unless they threatened to kick him out or something. Strings would to. But apparently this "Chris" bloke was exactly like Ray when he played and played amazingly. Their band had already become bigger than ours, and Rosetta was losing the plot. But thankfully karma succeeded and the guitarist left for some reason. Serves them right.

I got bored with the girl and scoped the room. I was just looking for some skimpy girl who looked ready to be made out with… instead, I found someone else. Someone two million times better.

It was like everybody else in the room became blurred and slowed while she was bright and noticeable. She didn’t look like the sluts that surrounded me, because she wasn’t. She was different. I felt my cheeks blush as I gazed at her beautiful figure. She wore one of those frilly "rawr" skirts or whatever you call them with fishnet suspenders and a purple-laced top. Her black hair was layered, the shorter part had a slight blue tinge that made her eyes light up even more. She raised her head, her eyes locking with mine. Oh God, her eyes. I gulped down the sour taste of nervousness as she drew me in. Her eyes were like a rainbow of different blues and so amazing to look at. Before I knew it I was standing right in front of her with my hand held out. The track had changed to Sing by MCR.

‘Dance with me.’ A smile twitched on her face as her soft pale hand slid into mine.

Everyone who had a partner slowed danced, the others just swayed. We didn’t say one word. I only held her close to me. She didn’t pull away like others might have; she just traced the outlines of my face with her eyes that I couldn’t stop staring at. To my surprise, she began mouthing the words along to the song the same time I decided to. We laughed, but still didn’t say anything to break this strange, addictive tension between us. I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her in closer, she seemed uneasy but I didn’t want to let her go. I wanted to know who she was, what she was thinking- just everything about her- I know, I sound frickin lame but… I dunno… There was just something about her that made it okay to be lame, because the whole image thing didn’t matter anymore. It was just us two, moving slower than time but my heart beat faster than lightning.

The song ended and I beamed down at her, waiting to complement my dancing skills or appearance like normal girls would have. But she wasn’t normal, so I s’pose that’s why she looked away shyly. It was pretty cute to see her blushing.

‘Hey, Chrissie!’ Michelle- the biatch girlfriend of Lewis called her over, ‘Get away from el lechio please, before he gropes you.’

Aagh! I hated her- seriously! To bad mouth me is one thing but to bad mouth me to my future girlfriend- I had now decided- is below the belt!

She turned back and sighed, ‘Don’t mind her, there are few guys she does like.’

I laughed. She must have been a friend of hers or something. Just then somebody raised their phone volume over that hideously overplayed song "When Love Takes Over" and played something that was even more hideous to my ears. Lazer Graffiti. I could hear Strings sing "Go For It!" and it made me want to find the nearest sharpest object and poke right through my ear drum just so I could escape the noise. It was even worse that he had stolen a Crafters song…

‘On second thought…’ The Chrissie girl said. Her face was completely drained of colour now and she seemed so ill. ‘I should better go… I’ll see you later Jack.’ She turned and left… I hadn’t even gotten her number. But- wait- What did she just call me? I hadn’t told her my name… Could she have seen me and asked who I was? I smiled. She had to like me too, right?

‘Lewy!’ I called Lewis over who reluctantly left his grouchy lover in fear of death. ‘I need that girls number.’ I pointed to her as she was swallowed by the dancing crowd.

‘Er- I dunno Jack- that is Michelle’s friend and all- she wouldn’t be happy if you slept with her.’

‘Ugh- Look- I’m not looking for a one nightstand with this chick. Get me her number. Please?’ I gave him puppy dog eyes. He didn’t buy it, but he knew that if he didn’t do what I asked those puppy eyes would turn into the eyes of a viscous pit bull terrier ready to bite.

He went, got the number off of Michelle’s mobile and came back with a napkin in his hand. I gazed down at the random combination of numbers. But my smile soon faded when I noticed her name above them. Crystal Sparrow.

Sorry Ray.

I said silently, but I gotta have her.

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