Chapter 14 The Blood On My Hands (Drummer POV)

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(Writer's note: I kinda failed in the creation of Jack :S I tried to make him a loveable asshole... he just ends up being an asshole lol Oh well, hope you enjoy this chapter :D Though I think I went overboard with the depressing background of Drummer :S I'll let you be the judge of that.)

Chapter 14

The Blood on my Hands


I stared at Strings hands on the wheel, he was tapping to the beat of our new song, Take A Moment. He only tapped when he was nervous. I was too. We were going to Sailor’s apartment after all. Luckily Red kept tabs on him and even luckier, his naivety made it so he didn’t ask why we wanted to know. Or maybe he did.

‘Thought of a good enough apology yet?’ Strings asked.

‘Sorry I went kinda schizo at you.’ I recited.

He rolled his eyes, ‘He ain’t gonna buy that.’ I told Strings about the run in I had with Sailor as soon as I got back, he was up waiting for me. Never thought he actually worried about me. He’s only four years older, but he’s the best father figure I’ve got in my life. My dad and step-dads aren’t exactly your picturesque examples of father material.

As soon as I told him he said the right thing would be to apologise and that we should go over at some point in the afternoon. I knew he didn’t really want me to apologise, he wanted to go for Chris’s sake, to find out if he was talking rubbish or if they were actually together. I knew they weren’t, but I didn’t have proof and Strings always needs proof nowadays.

He had quite a nice apartment, with a balcony and everything. I stopped in the middle of the path and stared up at it as Strings walked ahead. Two bowls lay on the table and the door was left wide open. Hairs stood up on the back of my neck. I didn’t like this feeling I was getting.

‘Cold feet?’ Strings joked.

I heard a voice, too quite to make out, but I recognised it. It was coming from that room. ‘But I can’t hold back any longer!’ An even more familiar shout… ‘I know you’re Ray’s girl and all but that somehow makes it feel more right! I should be the one to look after you now, I should be the one to love you!’

I looked to Strings; he stared back in shock before we both ran into the building. We scrambled up the stairs- four floors- and found his number- number 20. Strings was about to knock on the door but stopped his fist midway and realised that he wouldn’t answer anyway. He looked to me, shrugged and then closed his eyes- which he always did when he was hoping for a miracle- and pushed down the handle. For once, a miracle came true. The door was open and we rushed in. Jack looked up, I could see the back of Chris’s head on the couch, her blouse on the floor, her hands pressed against his chest to try and shove him off.

Fists at the ready, I charged towards him but Strings used his arm as a barrier to prevent me from going further. ‘Step away from her.’ He said to Sailor.

He scowled, ‘Can’t you see this is private? Get out of here!’

‘What, so you can rape Ray’s girl!?’ I screamed at him.

‘Rape? No! I just- I- I’m just getting carried away, alright!’

‘Well stop.’ Strings said, ‘Get off her.’

‘I don’t have to answer to you anymore, Strings!’

‘Please?’ Chris’s voice came quite softly and started to waver, ‘I’m not mad… honest, I just really don’t want this…’

He looked guiltily down at her, almost looked like he wanted to cry. He reluctantly slipped onto the floor and stood away from her. She sat up and buried her head in between her knees; I could hear her crying. She was shaking too. She didn’t look at us, I suppose she wouldn’t want to. She just sat there.

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