Chapter 11 A not so subtle hint, my Rose (Strings POV)

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  • Dedicated to Scott Pilgrim, for being so awesome :D

(Writer's Note: I really should do a Drummer's pov soon, I've only ever did his pov once o.0 sorry it's been like a week since my last upload but I hope you enjoy this chapter! :D)

Chapter 11

A not so subtle hint, my Rose.


‘This is the best movie ever.’ I stated, slouched back, Chris and Drummer at either side of me.

‘Yeah.’ They said in sync.

Red darted from the kitchen, half the popcorn jumped out onto the floor as he threw the bowl in my lap and jumped over the back of the couch, landing beside Chris, ‘It’s not passed yet, has it?’

‘No.’ we all said in sync.

He began sniggering, knowing exactly what was coming next, we all did.

"How old is she?" Ramona asked and a gaming wheel began to spin wildly in Scott’s head, the yellow arrow landing between I GOTTA PEE and WHO HER?

"I gotta pee on her." He said and Red erupted into laughter clutching his stomach as his face creased up. We were all laughing to, but more because of him than the gag.

‘Do you think I look a bit like that Stephen guy?’ I said pointing to the lead singer of Sex Bob-omb.

‘No.’ Drummer yawned.

‘I always thought you looked a bit like Charlie Simpson.’ Said Chris.


‘Fight star… Busted…’

‘He does, a bit.’ Red laughed.

‘I think Lewis looks like Scott Pilgrim.’


‘Just some guy I know.’

It was the seventeenth time we had watched that movie that week. Kinda reminded me of the time Ray got the American Pie movie and we watch it over and over again until all of us, Ray, me, Red, Drummer and Sailor were all saying every line spoken. I never wanted to get a replacement for Ray, the thought didn’t even cross my mind- all I wanted was I new guitarist. Never thought I’d go a day without feeling an ache when I passed Ray’s room, but then again I never planned on meeting Chris, or Crystal. She never did replace Ray but she sort of… managed to bring him back in a way and at the same time, she kinda wormed her way into all our hearts- as cheesy as that may sound. She was our brother- sister- both, I think? She was lying to us about her true self, but I understood, so did Drummer. I just wondered if Red would when he found out… If he found out.

When I find myself thinking about stuff like that, I always go down town to a small café called Kingsworth- and the tasty stuff that they had really was fit for a king. I ordered a Caesar salad, flirted with the waitress and dug in while thinking my brain numb. Stuffed like a Christmas turkey, I sat back in my chair and looked around. A lot of couples went there, never brought their kids along though and thank God for that. Children annoyed me. So, it was out of the ordinary that a beautiful, busty, young woman with blonde hair would be sitting on her own. She was eating vanilla ice cream from a cone in a way that look at though she was melting it away with kisses. I smiled as she gazed in my direction with her lips still pressing against the ice cream. I walked over and invited myself to sit opposite her.

‘Hello.’ I said.

She pulled the cone away from her and licked the cream slowly from her lips, ‘Hello.’ She said smoothly with a hint of flirtatiousness. I could tell from the way her eyes moved over me that she liked what she saw. She liked to play games, I could tell those types right away, mostly because I liked to play too.

‘Your name, madam?’

She licked her ice cream and thought for a moment, as if she didn’t have a name, ‘It’s a secret.’

‘What isn’t?’ I laughed.

‘Then what’s yours?’

‘Ki-‘ I began but stopped myself. I don’t know why I was about to tell her that, it had been seven years since anybody had called me that. ‘Eric.’ I said, ‘But they call me Strings.’

‘And who are they?’ She asked, ‘I hope you girlfriend isn’t one of them?’

I smiled, I didn’t know this girl enough yet to figure out if I would wake up alone or not tomorrow, but I hoped I wouldn’t. ‘She will be, once she exists.’ I said.

We sat in silence while she finished her ice cream; you could cut the sexual tension with a knife. She nibbled the cone away and all that was left was vanilla cream smeared across her top lip.

‘You missed a spot.’ I said before leaning over the table, taking her chin between my finger and thumb and kissing the ice cream off her lip. I hated the taste of vanilla, but it was worth it, for the feel of her lips against mine and the expression left on her face. Priceless.

‘I’ll see you around.’ I said and walked out the café, knowing she’d come after me. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1…

‘Rosetta.’ Her voice came from behind me. I turned to face her. ‘But you may call me Rose.’

‘My sweet Rose…’ I grinned, ‘You go to The Mirage at all?’


‘Then I’ll see you there tonight at eight.’

‘Alright…’ She said playing with a strand of blonde hair, ‘But don’t expect me to be there on time.’

And she wasn’t. Two hours I waited before ordering, thinking I had probably been stood up, then she showed up. I would have been angry, but how could anybody be mad at that slim tight little black dress? Unfortunately, I didn’t get any that night. Or the night after, or the night after that. That girl certainly knew how to play with my heart.

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