Return of Darkness

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Hello Readers! Thank you so much for your 80K reads and votes. We're approaching the 100K mark soon, I'm getting excited! I know I update slow, but please bear with me and don't give up on this story! Thank you again and here's a new chapter, enjoy!

Lucy's POV

Ever since that night I received the threat, I've been getting into accidents that I barely escaped. Within every passing day, the accidents get from bad to worse. I have to be extremely cautious even if I were to set a foot outside my apartment.

Not like my apartment was safe anyway.

Fairy Tail found out about the note and they became very protective of me. Wherever I went, I would have at least one of my guild mates beside me. Despite my protest, they still insisted that they would protect me.

Even though I felt really bad for giving them extra trouble, deep inside me, I felt happy.

Fairy Tail is my family after all.

I smiled at that thought as I glanced at my guild insignia.

It makes me feel proud to be part of such a wonderful guild.


Today I'll be doing some grocery shopping near my apartment. My partner for today is Natsu.

"Hey Luce are you ready yet?" Natsu groaned impatiently.

"Just give me a minute will you? Girls need time to get ready." I replied

"Well I don't see the need for you to take so long then." Natsu said cheekily.

I threw a book at him.

He winced in pain, "Ouch, that hurt like hell." He massaged the sore part on the bridge of his nose.

I placed my hands over my heart dramatically, "That's how much you hurt me here."

A smirk grew on his features, "Cheeky are we?"

I smirked back at him, "Indeed."

I quickly grabbed my keys and we were ready to go.


"So what'cha buying?" Natsu asked casually.

I looked around the stores as I held onto my shopping list, "Uh well, some shampoo, milk and um, Tabasco sauce?" I said

Natsu raised his brow, "Tabasco sauce? I didn't know you liked them."

I scratched the back of my head shyly and said, "Well you seem to like them so, I might cook some meals for you sometimes since you're always crashing at my place."

Natsu blushed slightly before he pinched my cheek, "You're just such a cute little thing aren't you?" He said teasingly.

"Only for you." I teased back.

He blushed a deeper shade of red as he flicked my forehead, "Continue shopping you stupid."

I laughed before replying, "Sure sure."


Natsu carried my shopping bags as he held my hand. We were chatting happily on our way home.

That was until suddenly the whole world turned black.

We stopped walking and surveyed our surroundings.

"What the hell happened?" Natsu said as he looked around.

There was nothing in sight, the whole place was just pitched-black.

"What on earth...?" I mumbled.

Just then, dark smoke and mist could be seen forming right in front of us. Heels started to appear amongst the smoke as it slowly strutted towards us.

White strands of hair stood out from the dark surroundings.

A shiver went down my spine as I squeezed Natsu's hand tightly. He squeezed back just as tight.

"It's Lisanna." I said softly in fear.

Memories of the recent past started to flash back in my mind.



I shook my head to clear my thoughts.

Don't let it get to you, it's all in the past and it will remain that way.

My hands started to tremble ever so slightly. Natsu noticed my fear and pulled me in for a hug.

He whispered, "Don't worry, I'm here."

I nodded meekly against his chest.

"My, hello again my dear friends." Lisanna said darkly with a smirk on her face.

"What are you doing here Lisanna? Leave us alone, you've done enough." Natsu growled aggressively.

Lisanna made a dramatic expression, "That's not the tone you used to talk to me when we were kids, Natsu. You've changed."

Natsu narrowed his eyes and said, "And so have you."

He tightened his arms around me, making me feel safer in his embrace.

Lisanna clicked her tongue in annoyance, "I see how you guys have developed behind my back."

Before we could react, Lisanna was right in front of Natsu in an instant, "Dear Lucy, I told you that this wasn't the end didn't I?" She whispered with hatred laced in her voice.

Dark strips started to pass through Natsu's protective arms and it started to surround my body, bringing my body further and further away from my comfort zone.

"No! Natsu!" I cried helplessly.

"Lucy!" Natsu reached out his arm for me desperately.

Lisanna cackled loudly as she watched our helplessness, "So touching. This is giving me a déjà vu, aren't I right, Lucy?"

Flashes of Sting carrying my limp body and his magic engulfing the whole area started to reappear in my mind.

For you to breathe again, I paid a heavy price. This is goodbye my love, I'll see you on the other side.

Tears sprang from my eyes as I glared at Lisanna fiercely, "You bitc-!"

A black strip immediately covered my mouth, preventing me from speaking. "Oops, keep this PG rated please, Lucy dear."

The strips started to bring me further and further away from Natsu.

I shouted many times but it turned out to be incoherent sentences.

"Lucy! No!" Natsu shouted as he tried using his flames as as booster.

"Now then, I should get going. See you later my love." Lisanna said in a bittersweet manner to Natsu.

Natsu glared at Lisanna as he yelled fiercely, "Don't you dare take anything away from me again! Roar of the Fire Drag-"

Right before his flames could reach us, Lisanna transported us to another place.

At that point of time, my conscience blacked out completely...

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