Unmoving Past

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Hello Readers! Thank you so much for your votes and reviews, and especially the 3K reads! I never expected to make this far when I posted the first chapter. And this is all thanks to you! A big thank you to all of you out there, here's a new chapter. Enjoy!

Lucy's POV

"Today was fun, thank you!" I said brightly.

"Yeah! Let's go out more next time!" Sting replied as he held my hand. He gave it a little squeeze making my heart flutter.

We walked awkwardly towards my apartment after that, still holding on tightly onto each other's hands. It was a very warm and fuzzy feeling indeed. We arrived shortly at the entrance of the apartment. I turned and looked into his eyes. Before I could say bye, he kissed me on my forehead. I stared at him with shock. He then held me close to him, holding on to both of my hands this time. His expression was so...lonely.

He took in a breath before speaking, "Lucy.... Um, I know this might be annoying to you. But," He stopped and took in another breath, with his eyes filled with uneasiness, "Lucy, I've always loved you, I would and always will, I know your answer might be still negative, but, please be my lover." He gazed right into my brown orbs seriously in all seriousness.

My mind went blank again, but soon, I softened my gaze, I released my right hand from his grasp, making him look sad at first, but then I placed it on his cheek, and caressed it lightly. That's when I thought I don't want him to wait anymore, I want him to be loved just as much as he loves me.

I bumped my forehead onto his and mumbled, "Please... Let me be your girlfriend." His eyes widened, he held my head and fixed his gaze onto my mine, "Really!" The excitement in him built up. "Really? Lucy! You're not pulling my leg right?" I laughed and nodded. His body shook before he shouted, "Yeeah!" My face reddened, "Shush! It's 10pm!" He grinned broadly and replied, "But I want the whole world to know you're my girlfriend!" Before I could reply, he carried my bridal style and ran around the neighbourhood screaming, "She's my girlfriend!" People were shooting us with weird looks. I can't get mad at him. It really makes me happy to see Sting like this...

I smiled as I wrapped my arms around his neck and relaxed against his chest...

That night, I wanted to spend my time at Sting's house. We played board games, poker cards, telling each other ghost stories, watching movies as we cuddled near each other, sharing the same blanket. We didn't do anything intimate; just an innocent night together...

On that day, I decided I would forget about Natsu and move on with Sting. And that was it, the start of my new life...

Natsu's POV

I sent Lisanna home that night before returning to mine. As I unlocked the door, Happy was sitting on the bed eating his fish.

"I'm home." I said.

"Welcome home, Natsu." Happy replied. I approached the bed and sat beside him. I scratched my head and started thinking about "her" again. Suddenly, I have this gut feeling that Happy knows something about her. So I asked.

"Happy," I called out to him. He stopped devouring his fish and looked up, "...Can you tell me more about Lucy?" His face was filled with shock then followed by a pained expression. I shook his small shoulders, "Happy! You know something right? Tell me! I feel like I've forgotten something important, but whenever I try to remember, my head hurts like its about to explode! So tell me...Please." He let out a deep sigh and explained everything. About how I met her, how she joined Fairy Tail and my team, how she became a important person in my life and how I...loved her.

I took in each and every information about her slowly, still trying to connect all the pieces together...It somehow just doesn't link. As if something is obstructing my memories...


Whenever I slept, my dreams would always be bits of my memories... Bits of my memories which I can't seem to connect.

I sighed.

I went over to my drawer to find a piece of paper, I was thinking to write down about my dreams and everything I've absorbed from Happy.

Maybe that way I can remember better?

I opened each and every drawer, there were no signs of paper, "What kind of house is this! Not even a piece of paper lying around." I cursed under my breath. But then on the last drawer, I found a photo album. Curiosity got the best of me, I decided to look through the photo album. I sat on the floor and opened the first page. It was all filled with my memories of Fairy Tail. As I flipped to the next page, Lucy's face popped up. She was smiling like the sun. I touched the picture and traced the outline of her face.

It looks so delicate...

Unconsciously, I kissed the photo.

Then, I quickly backed away, what the hell was I doing. I was overwhelmed by this indescribable feeling. It was overflowing so much that it hurts. It feels like my heart is crying.

I want to hold her and ravish her with kisses.

My inner thoughts were ringing loudly in my ears. A possible thought came to my head,

...Is this love?

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