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Hello Readers! Sorry for the long wait! I've been having a writer's block. Here's what I'Ve managed to squeeze out. It's very very short. I'm sorry. But here it is, a brand new chapter! Enjoy!

Lucy's POV

A hickey.

On my back.

Oh my god...

This is the first time I've been so intimate with a man in my whole life! What have I done? He even marked me on my back!

Before I even knew it, I was blushing like mad with my body feeling hotter with every single passing second. I tried to calm down by taking in deep breaths.

It's working.

Okay, okay. Let me think things through. First, he started licking me. Then, he gave me a hickey on my back. No matter how much I hate to admit, I love the way he touches me.


Hold on..!

I'm dating Sting now! I can't be having such thoughts! I have already decided to move on with Sting. I'm such a idiot! I knocked my head several times to try to clear my mind. But it's no use. I keep thinking of him. This is bad... I have to keep myself together.

Suddenly, memories with Natsu started to flash through my mind quickly. His silly grins and laughter. It was all music to my ears. When he's happy, so was I. When he's sad, I'm sad too. Hah, funny how everything turned out this way...

Before I even noticed, drops of tears started dripping down. Then, a nostalgic yet painful feeling shot through my chest.

"Who are you?"


That's right...That was the reason I started dating Sting right? How can I forget? Those painful feelings I kept in...


I loved him. I truly did. Then, everything started crumbling down so fast that I couldn't react... I decided to keep away those feelings didn't I? Now all of them are bursting out. The effects he has on me is crazy. Just one touch and I'm all tingly.

I wonder... If I can still love him like before.


I want to love you, I really do. But there's too many things in the way.




What am I supposed to do..? It's so painful, my heart feels like it's going to breakdown...

I hugged my legs near my chest as I sobbed silently...

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