The Day Before Christmas

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Hello Readers! Thank you so much for your 70K reads and votes. It has been a while, I know. This chapter is sort of a filler chapter and I'm sorry for that, it's just that I'm really tired and lazy nowadays. Sorry for the long wait, here's a new chapter! Enjoy!

Natsu's POV

"During the first hour of Christmas, meet me under the Sakura Tree."

There, I've said it.

Christmas is just a few days away and I need to start preparing for this. Being unable to contain my happiness, I let out a cheer of joy and jumped as high as I could. I found myself grinning the whole way as I walked back home.

"I'm back." I said.

"Welcome home, Natsu." Happy squeaked while flying around the house. He noticed my grin and smirked, "What happened when I wasn't with you?" He teased.

I took off my sandals and let out a huge smile, "I asked Lucy out on a date." I giggled to myself.

Damn I'm amazing.

Happy laughed at my reaction and said in a joking way, "God, hide your inner female Natsu. Don't start fangirling on me about Lucy." I laughed as I flicked his forehead. "It's not like that," I said shyly.

"Oh really?" Happy teased me further. I covered my face as I felt my face starting to burn from embarrassment.

"A-Anyway, tomorrow we'll be going out shopping." I quickly changed the subject.

Happy starters to whine, "Eh? Why, we still have enough food at home." He said while opening the fridge.

I sighed and replied, "We're not shopping for groceries you idiot, we're going to find a present for Lucy."

Happy rolled his tongue in amusement, "You llllliikee her." I threw a pillow at him immediately and he dodged it with ease.

Happy shook his head jokingly,

"And yet you deny the existence of your inner female."

Lucy's POV

I hummed a tune to myself and started to take light dance steps as I walked. Unknowingly, I started to sing and twirl around the house as I did some simple cleaning.

Just then, my phone rang. I set down my duster and picked up the phone.

"Hello?" I said.

"Lu-chan! Good evening."

"Oh, good evening Levy-chan" I said happily.

I could hear a soft giggle from the other end before she spoke again, "You sound happy, what happened?"

I grinned at her question and suppressed the excitement in me.

"Well," I said slowly.

"Come on, don't agonize me." Levy groaned.

I laughed before I explained the situation to her.

She squealed in excitement. "Oh my god, he asked you out! Finally that blockhead is using his brain!" I laughed.


"Oh my gosh Lu-chan, we need to go shopping! New outfit, new accessories... There's so much to do! That's it, I'm coming over tomorrow. Get ready by 10am." And just like that, the line went dead.

Oh boy.


I woke up early today and got ready for the shopping trip later. I dried my hair with a towel and put on some comfortable clothes before heading downstairs to wait for Levy.

Just as I was walking down the staircase, I recognized Levy's petite figure. She was already there waiting for me. "Good morning Lu-chan! We don't have any time to waste today, so let's go!" She gave no chance to talk as she she pulled me by my arm and dashed to the central of the town.


Time flies and it was already nightfall. I was carrying several bags and my legs were already giving out on me. Levy finally let me off after realizing that my stamina was running low.

I quickly unlocked my apartment door and dropped the shopping bags. I lunged for my soft bed and let out a sigh of exhaustion.

I took a quick shower and put on my pajamas. I laid on my bed and pulled the covers over me.

Tomorrow is finally the day of our date.

It's finally going to be Christmas.

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