Extra: Pregnancy

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Hi guys!! Omg we actually went over the 100K mark! Thank you so much for your comments, votes and reads. I don't know what I'm doing here even though the book is already completed, but I just wanted to show you a small peak of what Lucy's first pregnancy was like. HEHEHE okok here's how it went...

Lucy's POV

"I want chocolate."

"Y-yes ma'am. I'll go get it now." Natsu said with a hint of fear in his voice. He zoomed out of the house as quickly as he could.

I laid on the bed and a soft sigh escaped my lips.

This is crazy. I cant't believe it. I know I've always wanted children but this whole thing is putting me through more pain than I've bargained for.

As the size of my tummy grew, my mood swings just got worse. I feel bad whenever I take it out on Natsu. It's not even his fault (technically).

"Holy mothe-"

There it is again, that pain that makes me feel like it's the end of the world. My hands gripped the sheets tightly as I took in deep breaths.

Breathe, you can do it.

Just when I thought the pain was subsiding, the contractions decided to squeeze every life out of me.

I shut my eyes and bit my lip to distract myself from the pain. Just then, my fingers brushed past something on the table. I opened a small gap of my vision only to see a red key lying innocently there with only a few centimeters away from my reach.

That was when I convinced myself that I saw my salvation.

I grabbed the key that Natsu gave me on our wedding. I looked at it and was completely convinced that it would work.

I gathered my remaining energy and commanded as loud as I could, "Gate of the Dragon Slayer, I open thee! Natsu Dragneel!"

I waited. Long seconds passed and nothing happened.

I laughed manically and muttered as I felt droplets of sweat trickling down my forehead, "Nothing happened..."

"Nothing actually happened!" I laughed louder.

Just then, I could hear the door being unlocked and the rustling sound of plastic bags.

"Lucy I'm ho-"


Natsu shrieked in pure horror.

Tears started to stream down my cheeks and I covered my face in frustration. Natsu peeked through the door gap and called out timidly, "L-Lucy? A-Are you okay?"


Natsu flinched in fear and he immediately stuck out a broom he grabbed outside at me. "I-I mean no harm. Please don't attack me."

My cried echoed around the house loudly and Natsu was stuck in a dilemma.

To approach her or not to approach her, that is the question.
- Natsu Dragneel

Normal POV

And that my friends, was a normal day in the Dragneel household. With the lady of the household being a complete wreck and her husband being as confused as a deer in the headlights, every single day was filled with drama.

However, they were very happy, and that was the only thing that mattered.


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