Star-Stained Skies

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Hello Readers! Two chapters in a day, I'm amazed by myself. This is more of a filler though. Anyway, around the next or the next two chapters will be the epilogue of this story. We've came so far and I'm glad to have went through this with all of you.

Here's a new chapter, enjoy.

Lucy's POV

Everything after this was a blur as we held too many celebrations at one go. Booze, songs, fights and flipped furnitures was generally what happened.

Natsu sent me home after the party and I entered my apartment. Just as I was about to shut my door, Natsu just let himself in.

"What are you-"

"Come on, it has been a while since we're alone together so why don't I stay over for tonight?" Natsu said in a carefree manner.

I sighed and shook my head before replying him, "Alright, make yourself comfortable. I'll go take a quick shower. And also," I said as I glanced at him, "Don't break anything." I smiled

Natsu saluted me and replied "Y-Yes ma'am!"

I gave him a quick peck on the cheek and said, "Good."


I quickly filled my bathtub and finished bathing within 10 minutes. I exited the bathroom and dried my hair with a towel.

Just as I entered the living room, Natsu was already sound asleep at the foot of my bed. I smiled at how cute it was. I bent down and shook him lightly, "Natsu, you can sleep on the bed."

He was still snoring at a rhythmic manner.

I shook him once more, "Natsu, wake up." I said softly. I squatted there for a few seconds only to receive no reaction from him.

I stood up and grabbed a blanket. Just as I was about to drape it over his body, his grabbed me by the hand and threw me on the bed.

I gasped in surprise and saw Natsu hovering over me with a victorious smile.

"What on earth are you doing?" I said with slight annoyance.

"Just admiring you." He replied mischievously.

I tried to push him over but his strength was insane. He leaned down and buried his face at the crook of my neck.

I wrapped my arms around his body and asked him softly, "What's wrong?"

He inhaled sharply and replied, "Nothing, your scent just calms me down a lot."

I laughed and said, "What a creep."

He just snorted in reply, "Whatever."

There was a short silence between us and I could feel his heartbeat drumming against my chest.

It felt peaceful.

"Lucy, you know I love you a lot right?" Natsu muttered.

A smile crept to my lips and I mumbled, "Yes."

"Remember what I said when we met Zeref?" He said.

"Yes I do." I blushed.

"I meant every word of it."

The pace of my heartbeat started to race faster and Natsu supported himself up so that he could face me. He sat on the edge of the bed and I sat beside him.

"Lucy, the day will come where I will go on one knee and say a statement that may change the both of our lives." Natsu paused, "But now we're still immature kids that have a lot to learn."

"And because I love you so much I don't want you to regret anything, ever." He said as he looked into my eyes once more. "As much as I want to take you in my arms and call you Mrs. Dragneel, I know that I'm not worthy of calling you mine yet."

Tears started to well up in my eyes and I covered my mouth.

"So now Lucy, I want to ask you to wait for me. I promise I won't take that long," Natsu said nervously as he scratched the back of his head, "For now I'll just say it as practice. I need to build up some confidence for the real deal."

Tears were already trickling down my cheeks as I stifled back a sob.

He went down on one knee and held the both of my hands every so lovingly, "Lucy," he said carefully. He gazed at me with a smile and said with confidence, "Marry me."

I leaped into his embrace as he chuckled. I hugged him tightly and he returned the hug with just the same amount of passion.

I released the hug and kissed him. I could feel him smile before he broke the kiss.

He bumped his forehead on mine and cupped one of my cheek, "And your answer is?"

I smiled blissfully and replied,



We shared a kiss, and another, and another again. The lights were off and the stars in the night sky were the only light that was illuminating the dark room.

I covered the naked parts of my body with the blanket bashfully as Natsu's half naked body was the only thing I could see.

"Are you sure you wanna do this?" Natsu said softly as he caressed my cheeks.

"Yes." I replied firmly.

"Alright, just tell me when it hurts alright? I'll stop." He said

Just as he was about to dive into it, I put a hand out to stop him and said, "Before we do this, I have something I need to clarify."

He looked at me with confusion.

"Y-you're a virgin right?" I asked shyly.

Natsu's face just went full red and he covered his face in embarrassment, "Oh my go-, yes."

I laughed at him before he shut me up with a kiss, "As if this wasn't embarrassing enough." He pouted.

I just smiled at replied, "This means it's a first for the both of us then."

"You're too cute, I might just eat you up." Natsu said devilishly.

I just smiled at him before I hugged him once more, "Thank you for being with me. I love you."

He smiled and wrapped his arms around my bare waist before pulling me in, "I love you too, so so so so much."


That night, under the star stained sky, we became one.

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