Evil + Sweet Kiss

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Hello Readers, apparently this month I'm quite into writing. Especially when it comes to these type of chapters, HAHA! I don't really have anything to say, once again, thank you so much for all of your reviews and votes, I really love you all. xD Here's the new chapter, enjoy!

Lisanna's POV

As Natsu and I walked through the crowd, we saw this certain blonde couple. It was Lucy and a blonde guy.

"Lucy! I didn't know you came here as well. My! Who's this blonde man here? Is he your boyfriend? Both of you look so cute together!" I said excitedly with my voice filled with pure disgust.

"..." That's all she could say with some tears in her eyes.

Silence means consent my dear Lucy... I smirked in victory.

"...Hey Lucy!, Didn't know you were here." Natsu said while wrapping his arms around my waist and pulled me close. I blushed. She flinched.

"..." She kept quiet for awhile before wiping off her tears immediately. She then spoke up in a teasing tone, "Yeah! Didn't know you guys were here too! I saw your couple shot over there. Are you guys dating?" She asked mischievously and held that guy's hand and squeezed it tightly.

Lucy's POV

A river of tears were already jamming in my eyes. It was difficult to keep them in.

Natsu... So now you're dating Lisanna... I thoughtly sadly to myself. I squeezed Sting's hand tightly.

He looked at me with his eyes saying, "What's wrong Lucy...?" I just flashed him a sad smile and shook my head.

Sting's POV

Something's wrong with Lucy, definitely. Is it because of Natsu and that lady? Her eyes looked so sad... As Lucy squeezed my hand, my gut was telling me "Play along!" I did exactly what I felt. I squeezed her hand back and I pulled her close to me.

My heart was racing so fast that I can't breathe.

"Natsu-san! Sorry, we're having a date right now, I assume we're bothering you as well right?" I said while grinning.

He glared at me, then his expression changed immediately, "Yeah! Sorry, I saw Lucy and I just had to greet her! I've got to go or Lisanna's going to get bored." He said as he pecked the lady so called "Lisanna" on her cheek. She smiled shyly. I felt Lucy shaking just when that happened.

She's about to cry...I know why now.

I shot a glare at Natsu before I made Lucy face me, I touched my forehead with hers, "Lucy, what's wrong? Are you cold? You're shaking!" I talked in a exaggerated loud voice.  "Play along Lucy." I whispered softly. She looked at me, surprised.

But, she instantly held my face with her warm hands, "Don't worry, it's probably because of the cold water at the slide just now." She smiled sweetly.

That smile......That smile was something I yearned. But, it's not directed at me.

It was all for Natsu.

When I came back to my senses, I held her face dearly and said, "That's great."

I stole a side glance and noticed that someone's vein popped. "Let's go Lisanna," Natsu said as he stomped off, dragging her along.

Just right after they left, Lucy removed her hands from my face and looked down, her tears were already streaming down.

"Lucy..." I peered into her face while cupping my hands on her face. She started crying as I tried to wipe some tears off. I felt frustrated.

"...S-S-Sorry Sting." She said as she hiccupped between her words. I shook my head lightly, telling her it's okay.

"...T-T-Today was supposed to be a happy day...I'm s-sor-" I placed my fingers on her lips and hushed her. I wiped (due to many reasons, I have decided to change the verb here. I was young and dumb.) off those tears that were coming down. She looked at me with surprise. Without thinking, I took her hand and went to the Ferris Wheel. There was a long queue.


I just shoved through the queue and stood right infront. The people that were queuing behind started complaining. The staff immediately said, "Sir, please head back to the back of the line, you're cutting the que-"

I cut him off and said sternly, "Is there a problem?" One of those cabins arrived, I opened the door roughly and dragged Lucy inside. I slammed the door after that. The staff looked terrified.

When we were going up, Lucy said as she wiped her tear-stained face ,"...Sting, you shouldn't do that..." I shrugged my shoulders and said, "I just needed a quiet place to talk to you." She moved uneasily upon my words.

"...Lucy, I have a question to ask you but you're not obliged to answer it if you don't want to," I continued, "Why did you cry?"

There was a moment of silence.

Just when I was about to change the topic, she spoke up, "...It's because of that picture, that picture where he kissed her. I don't know why I'm so worked up over this, before I know it, tears were already fighting their way through my eyes! This happened ever since Lisanna came back. Sting, you know I'm really confused, I really am!" She said without stopping.

Almost immediately, I hugged her and said in a soft voice, "I'm sorry." I patted her head and breathed in the aroma her hair...

Vanilla and strawberries...

She looked at me with watery eyes. I blushed. Unconsciously, I narrowed my eyes down to her lips. Her small lips were irresistible, before I know it, I slammed my lips onto hers...

At the same time......

Lisanna's POV

"Natsu, let's ride the Ferris Wheel!" I exclaimed.

He just nodded his head as I dragged him into the cabin. When it was almost at the top, I asked as I tried to contain my excitement, "...Natsu, you like me don't you?"

"...Yeah." He replied nonchalantly.

"I mean as a lover." I deadpanned.

He looked at me with wide eyes,"What? Of course not!" He replied without hesitation.

I was shocked.Terribly shocked. Being unable to conceal my anger, I stood up and yelled, "Then why did you kiss me?!"

He kept quiet.

"Why would you do such a thing!" I raised my tone at him. Just then, a voice whispered in my head, "Lisanna, you can use "that" now"

Upon hearing 'his' words, a smirk spread across my face, I mumbled, "Yes Master."

Then, I crawled up to Natsu, "Don't deny anymore Natsu, I know you love me to bits." I purred. He shift uncomfortably under my body.

"Lisanna, I'm telling you, I don't lik-"

Annoyed by his lies, I shut him up by kissing him.

Natsu's POV

Her lips was on mine. Mine was on hers.

What the heck...

I struggled fiercely but she wouldn't let go. I tried opening my mouth to speak.

And on that exact moment is where all the troubles start...

She spilled some gas into my mouth. I couldn't breathe. I started choking on the gas. Then right after that, I started to lose my consciousness.

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