Urano Metria

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Hello Readers! Thank you for the 27K reads and votes! So amazing! Here's a new chapter, Enjoy!

Lucy's POV

I leaned against the wall and sighed. Bruises were covering my body, I can't even move without feeling a slight tinge of pain. Then, I switched my gaze to the battle unfolding in front of me.

If only I could do something.

I looked around my surroundings to find anything that can heal myself. Then, I noticed some herbs lying on the ground outside the sphere. I looked back to the battlefield to make sure no one noticed me before I crawled my way to the herbs. With my wounds rubbing against the stony floor, it's not a easy task to crawl since the pain is excruciating.


As I got closer to my destination, I noticed two exceeds sitting beside the herbs with a worried look plastered on their features. They then noticed my presence. I crawled to the wall and leaned against it as I closed my eyes. I took in heavy breaths to try and take my thoughts away from the pain.

Clearly working. Note the sarcasm.

One of the exceeds looked at me with hesitation, "A-Are you Lucy..?" I opened my eyes slightly to snatch a quick glimpse of the exceed. How did he know my name? I choked on my breath to try and deliver some words, "H-How did you know my n-name? Ouch!" I brushed my elbow against the wall accidentally causing me to flinch in pain. Then, the red exceed panicked slightly before issuing out orders, " Q-Quick, Frosch! We need to heal her wounds!" The frog-like exceed nodded her head and said, "Fro thinks so too!" The both of them scurried to retrieve herbs before pressing them against my wounds. "It's going to hurt a bit, but please bear with it," I bit my lip and nodded as pain shot through me. He then continued, "My name is Lector. I'm Sting-kun's exceed, and that's Frosch, Rogue-kun's exceed. I heard a lot about you from Sting-kun, he adores you a lot." Lector said as he smiled at me. I smiled back.

Soon, my wounds started to heal. Alright, time to battle! I looked at Lector and Frosch and gave them a huge grin, "Thank you!" When I stood up and began to walk, I felt a slight pull on my shirt. I turned my head and saw Lector and Frosch looking at me with worry, "Please, protect Sting-kun for me. It's because I'm weak, I can't do anything but watch..." Tears started to well up in his eyes before Frosch cut in, "Rogue too!"

Sting... You're so lucky to have him beside you.

I patted them both on their heads gently before smiling, "I will. Leave it to me."

I walked into the sphere and saw wounds dominating the five bodies. Then I yelled, "Lisanna!" That got everyone's attention on me. Sting looked at me with shock before he growled in frustration, "Lucy! What are you doing here! It's dangerous, I told you rest there." I just gave him a reassuring smile telling him I'm okay. Lisanna smirked as she approached me slowly, "Heh Lucy, about time you got back into the game." I clicked my tongue in annoyance as I gripped onto my keys tightly, "Let's end this." I got into my battle stance and watched every single one of Lisanna's movements, "How interesting, my dear Lucy. Let's see how well you'll do."

I fished out one of my keys and commanded, "Gate of the Twins, I open thee! Gemini!" Two small blue figures appeared before me and greeted in unison, "Hello!" Lisanna snorted and pointed at Gemini mockingly, "What are you doing to do with those two?" Gemini then noticed Lisanna and mumbled threateningly, "I don't like her." I smirked in return, "A lot of things Lisanna. Mostly things that you wouldn't expect." Lisanna flinched slightly at my comment.

I turned my attention to Gemini and said, "Gemini, transform into me and let's do that." They grinned slightly and did what was asked.

"Alright! Let's do this." I cheered silently as I joined hands with Gemini. Then, the both of us started to recite the incantation,

"Survey the heaven, Open the Heavens..."

A gold light started to glow beneath our feet.

"All the stars, far and wide...

Show me thy appearance... With such shine.

Oh Tetrabiblos..

I am the ruler of the stars...

Aspect become complete...

Open thy malevolent gate.

Oh 88 Stars of the heaven... Shine!

Urano Metria!"

The place was then engulfed with the universe we created with stars and planets swerving their way around us. Lisanna's stared at her surroundings in shock, "W-What's this!" Then, the stars started to fall with great speed emitting a marvellous light. It then crashed down on Lisanna. The universe then ceased as Gemini returned to the celestial world. I smiled in accomplishment as Lisanna's body laid on the floor limply. Due to exhaustion, I felt weak in the knees and fell to the ground. Sting, Leo and Taurus cheered as they ran to me, engulfing me with their hugs as Rogue just smiled in acknowledgement, "Lucy! You did it!" I just gave a weak smile.

Suddenly, gentle footsteps could heard outside the sphere. As the footsteps got louder within every passing second, everyone surrounded me protectively. "Lucy..?" A familiar voice rang in my ears as I shot up and looked what was in front of me, it was the unique salmon hair that I adored, "Natsu?" I walked towards him slowly as his eyes darted to Lisanna and back to me. His eyes widened slightly, "What happened here?" He growled. I ignored his question and asked him, "What are you doi-!" Before I could finish my sentence, a sharp pain struck through my body. I looked down in horror and saw a black strip shooting through my chest. I turned behind slowly and saw Lisanna smiling sinisterly.

Everything started to fade as energy was slowly seeping out of me. Worried voices could be heard calling for me, "Lucy!.. Lucy!" As I start to fall, I caught a slight glimpse on a certain someone's face, he looked shocked as color started to drain from his face, "Lucy!"

Darkness took over my vision completely as I felt warm arms surrounding my limp body. It felt so nostalgic...

His smile was the only thing that flashed in my mind before I completely lost consciousness.

He was my goofy dragon slayer,


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