2:20 Sky

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Auris landed us just outside of the towering city gates. Brydel and myself swiftly disengaged from the dragon. I watched as Laurel slid down from Auris into Brydel's waiting arms. I had a moment where I felt a stab of jealousy in my heart when Brydel caught her in his arms, each smiling at each other. Joy in touching each other after a long trip.

Jjealousy faded away swiftly when she looked towards me, and her smile brightened even more as she disengaged from Brydel and ran to me. Leaping into my arms in a powerful embrace as I caught her, holding her tiny frame against my chest. Her long straight hair had been ruffled by the wind while we traveled. She looked wild, and radiant. My heart hurt with how deeply I cared for her. I had no idea love for another being could be so all encompassing.

I knew I had to be wary here. I had long been away from any city, from large numbers of people grouped together. I also doubted any social skills I learned when I had last been in a city would help me in the Fae Court. I was glad Brydel was a little more familiar with city life, with being social. I would need to rely on him. I did my best to keep my emotions contained, and away from Laurel's notice. But I was worried.

The dragon had broken one of Laurel's, no Mistress Starlights rules while we traveled. According to the agreement I should turn him in for intruding into my mind. But he had only done so to share a warning. Auris the man had been tucked back, not paying attention as the dragon flew us across the continent. The dragon wanted to warn me. Auris the man would certainly try his best to follow the rules set by Laurel for him. Both the dragon and man were desperate for Laurel's approval. But the man was broken, and weak. He was vain, would fall for flattery, could be manipulated. The dragon wanted me to try and protect Auris from those who would try and turn him and his terrifying power to serve others' plans. I thanked the dragon, let him know I had feared this was possible and was already working on my plan to keep the dragon bound to Laurel.

Keeping Auris and his vanity under control weren't the only warning the dragon had. He also let me know that they had figured out that Laurel was able to share her build up magical power. Like a giant battery. If she was full of her magic, even the weakest caster could use her magic to do great and powerful things. The dragon said Laurel only found out right before we started to fly, which was surely the only reason she didn't tell me immediately. But the dragon needed me to know. Laurel could not shake hands with anyone who could wield magic. If anyone with magic touched her in the Fae Court they could know instantly that they could harness her power for their own means. Laurel had no way to cloak this ability or control it.

Auris the man would be easy. Keep him happy, make sure Laurel doesn't ignore him while we are here. Keep him away from those who would try to manipulate him. All simple, all doable. Trying to hide Laurel's magical abilities, and keep anyone with magic from touching her and figuring out that she could be used as a power source; While we also had a mission to figure out where her magic came from in the first place was going to be more complicated. I was glad the dragon shared this with me early on our trip. I spent the rest of the journey trying to think through our options and the best way to keep my group safe.

"Sky? You can put me down now. We're all safe" Laurel's sweet voice was in my ear. Shit. I had gotten lost in my thoughts while holding her. I lowered her to the ground, she looked up at me smiling, taking my hand in hers as we turned to face Brydel and Auris. Brydel had untied our packs from the dragon, allowing Auris to shift back into a man, and slipping into the loose pants offered by Brydel.

"So, now what?" Laurel looked around at the field we had landed in, a short distance from the main city gates.

Auris looked towards the gatehouse "City guards will have certainly seen us arrive, an envoy is likely already on their way to see who we are and what we want" he sounded confident for a moment, handsome face upright, looking strong. Then his eyes whipped to the ground, confidence evaporating "Or well, that is what would have happened the last time I was here." he let slip the fact that it had been ten thousand years since he had last visited this city under his breath.

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