Chapter Two - 'No, I am Your Father'

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April met Eddie at his van once the day was over, she stood with one hand in her hair holding it off her neck with the other holding a joint. April smiled as she smoked it, April knew it was safe as Nancy always stayed for the school newspaper, and Mike nearly enough flew home with Dustin every day once the bell rang. She enjoyed the feelings flowing over her with each drag she took, she dropped it out when the curly-haired man pushed open the large door and began to walk over to his van. April smirked ad she pulled herself up once he had opened the door for her, She rolled down the window and leaned her head out watching as other students began to leave. She began to giggle when Eddie got in, "who would have thought sweetheart?" He whispered to her about how they even got here, April's heart almost skipped a beat as the words flew out if his mouth like a river. "Sweetheart? Arnt, you cute?" She teased using her free hand to flip him off. He laughed as he pulled his van out of the parking lot and began to drive them to the video shop, April smiled out the window watching as everyone looked amazed at April Wheeler in the passenger seat of Eddie Munsons van. The drive was smooth with slight small talk, it wasn't awkward the two knew enough about each other for it not to be awkward with the information coming from nonother than her brother, Mike. "Has he told you the crazy Hawkins story?" April spoke out of the blue as the two drove past the graveyard, April's eyes lingering on Billy's stone for possibly a moment too long. April and Billy had slight history, it wasn't love and probably would have never been love. They were a fling, a fling that worked perfectly in all the wrong ways. They felt each other the bad and not the good. April still thought about Billy quite a lot and would still attend to his stone on occasions to clean it and place cute flowers on him as if he was a woman. She would laugh at this and tell him how he would be rolling in his grave if he could see her now, dirty covered in mud in the rain washing mud and birds' shit of it with a rag, and how she would always lay yellow tulips and baby's-breath flowers in front of him. They had a love-hate relationship and always knew they would work better as friends but they worked in other ways perfectly in harmony together. April's eyes snapped back to reality as she wiped the small tear that had begun, she wanted everything in a relationship than what she had with Billy, Love, Romance, Humour, Understanding, faithfulness well really April wanted what her parents have, true undying love. April soon found herself in front of the video store, her eyes widened when she saw Eddie open the door for her to get out.

She put her brave face on and smiled "maybe chivalry isn't dead" she joked as she gripped his shoulder and jumped down, April was tall for a Wheeler but had nothing on Eddie's height. Eddie stopped for a moment and held out his hand to her, April blushed a shade so close to cherry as she took his hand and squeezed it slightly. It would be a lie if she didn't say there was a spark, one stronger than she and Billy ever was. Stronger than she and Steve ever will. April walked close to Eddie her other hand wrapping the top of his arm keeping her close to him, enjoying his smell as he also shared hers. They walked in together through the door that rang a small bell as they walked in, they were met with the shocked eyes of the one and only, Steve Harrington. "Wheeler?" Steve spoke causing April's gaze to leave Eddie's face and stare at him. "Harrington?" She spoke back before pulling Eddie to the movie she wanted, Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back. Eddie smirked as he watched her pick it up "Are you a fantasy freak too? Miss April, are you a nerd?" Eddie teased her slightly taking the movie from her hands, he could tell on her face this was what she wanted to watch and no way was she going to pay. "Si-fi Freak actually" April spoke back as she followed behind Eddie to the counter, Steve watched April's every move. It was safe to say he was jealous of Eddie, "I didn't take you as a Munson girl" Steve spoke when Eddie wasn't listening. "Oh sorry Steve, did I hurt you not being a Harrington girl? Did it hurt your ego when I don't foam at the mouth for you" April teased back grinning like an idiot when Robin began to laugh behind the counter. "She is laughing because she likes you April, not because you are funny" Steve whispered back causing Robin to turn red and turn away, "$3.99" Steve spoke as he placed the VHS into a paper bag, Eddie turned back and placed the money on the counter "keep the change, come on princess" Eddie spoke, April smirked at Steve and took Eddie's hand again as he leads her out to his van. "I didn't take April Wheeler as a girl to date Eddie" Robin spoke in awe with the couple outside. "You have to admit they are cute" she added as she watched Eddie open the door for April and help her climb in using his shoulder for her to hold. "Cute? Cute?! Eddie Munson?! Cute?" Steve spoke in almost panic. How the fuck did the hottest girl in Hawkins start to date a freak? Eddie the freak Munson? April sighed happily as they got inside "He is crazy" April mumbled to Eddie clearly talking about Steve. "Steve? Well I mean everyone knows..." He spoke before he began to smile, everyone knew that Steve was hoping to date April but he got the girl. Eddie got the girl.

After arriving at Eddie's caravan he told April to make herself at home, so she did. Once Eddie called her to say he got the VHS to work April walked out in just a t-shirt and her underwear, her hair pulled back by a scarf as she plopped herself down next to him curling her legs up into her body as she got comfy "maybe you should join hellfire if you look that hot in the shirt" He smirked pulling her up close to him. "Sorry, I like my clothes but they aren't comfy" she spoke as her head nuzzled slightly into his neck as they began to watch, Eddie wasn't even paying any attention to the movie, the whole two hours he aren't enjoying April at his size, looking at her body, enjoying her hair against him, how her hands felt brush up against him, how she smelt and just how perfect this moment was, with the girl he had admired for the past 2 years. Eddie wasn't watching her body in a sexual way but he finally knew what she looked like from under her slightly baggy clothes. Hot, well she was hot anyway but hotter under it.

April and Eddie spent the night after the movie, listening to music, dancing, smoking weed, laughing, and just enjoying each other's company

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April and Eddie spent the night after the movie, listening to music, dancing, smoking weed, laughing, and just enjoying each other's company. April lay down on the sofa laughing "Eddie!" She squeaked as the heavy male fell on top of her, his arms wrapping her up before he stood again holding her close. "Do you want to get dressed and ill get you home?" He asked, April smiled and shook her head "the night has only just begun, Munson" she laughed before shaking her head "I'm going to bed, you either follow and keep me warm or you stay here and pretend to be a gentleman" she smirked as she wiggled her way from his arms and ran the trailer to his bedroom, as she pushed the door open her eyes danced the room. It was messy but every man's room was messy. He had D&D stuff everywhere, multiple hellfire tops hung in his wardrobe, his guitar hung on his wall, and a pair of handcuffs that hung from his wardrobe. April didn't spend any time letting her mind linger, she dived straight into the double bed letting it swallow her whole. She sighed happily as she sunk into it "heaven Eddie! Join me" she spoke as she looked up already seeing him standing in the doorway with a smile. "If I could save this memory forever I would" He spoke as he took the moment in for longer, the cute blonde cuddled up in his bed in his shirt. He closed the bedroom door after him as he walked in. "I hope you don't mind but I do kinda sleep in my underwear" He spoke as April shook her head "just hurry up before I change my mind" She spoke as she watched Eddie fumble about trying to get himself just to his boxers as quick as he could. Once he made it to the bed he pulled April straight into his arms, he pulled her leg up over his holding her close to his chest. Her head lay against it with her arm outlining him close to her. He lay a soft kiss on her head and sighed happily. "No sex" They both spat out at the same time causing them both to laugh. April leaned up at him for a second, "you can kiss me though" she spoke, without a second Eddie's lips were on April's like fire. They were strong and full of passion but they held love and care. As kiss April had never shared, April was used to sweaty, sloppy, passionate, and lustful kisses, not this. This kiss held potential and hope in every way she wished. Eddie pulled back pushing April's hair back as he looked at her, "I want to do this again April" He whispered into his hair as he closed his eyes, April nodded as hers closed to holding each other close. "How about tomorrow, and the day after, and the day after that?" She spoke back feeling Eddie's smile against her head before they drifted into sleep together.

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