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"Normal" - Jimin's language"Mer" - Merman's language"Sign language" - Both understand

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"Normal" - Jimin's language
"Mer" - Merman's language
"Sign language" - Both understand


Author POV

The day after the incident was a strange one to say the least. Jimin seemed more reserved, like he was cut off. He didn't try to talk in a language he could no longer hear. Instead he remained silent, using the occasional hand gesture to signal to the mer. 

The mer were using the old bathtub, which they had filled with water to regularly dampen their skins to prevent damage since they were spending such a long time on land, away from their ocean home. 

They helped Jimin around his home, the human was thankful for the help, they lifted boards and heavy equipment without worries like Jimin had. They naturally possessed more strength than an average human. Tasks that Jimin had previously struggled with regarding the regeneration of his childhood summer home were now going smoothly with the aid of the mermen.

Jimin was currently in the kitchen making lunch for the starving mermen. They were still wandering around the house, dripping water everywhere as they went. Jimin found it distressing that he couldn't hear where any of them were. The mer tended to get his attention if he wasn't focused by lightly tapping on his arm. More than once he had practically jumped out of his skin.

He tapped on Namjoon's shoulder to get his attention. Requesting that he gather the others for lunch via his hands. The mer nodded to show he understood. Jimin found himself flinching when he saw the mer's mouth open, but he heard no sound. He looked away ashamed of himself, he hoped Namjoon hadn't noticed his moment of fear.

He loved his mermen mates, he knew they felt guilty about the outcome of the battle. Jimin was determined to put their minds and hearts at ease. But he couldn't help but feel afraid, their voices alone had been enough to deafen him permanently. What else could they potentially do that Jimin was unaware of.

The meal was eaten in silence, or that is what Jimin assumed it was. The mermen complimented his kimchi as they always did, the taste was comforting, familiar. Jimin needed familiar and comforting at the present time.


Eventually the need for the sea to wash over them was beginning to truly affect the mermen. The water from the filled bathtub no longer able to relieve them of their pain. Jimin was thankful to all their work on his house, so he felt like he owed it to them to walk down to the bay with them.

The walk was hard, the loss of his hearing had thrown him off balance. Ears were important for balance, fluid had built up in them after the abrupt popping of his eardrums, leaving him dizzy and off balance. So he was happy when Taehyung walked in front of him and offered his back, Jimin had happily climbed on, allowing the merman to hoist him up in a piggyback ride.

The walk down to the bay was easier with someone doing all the walking for you. Taehyung would stumble on occasion, but always righted himself before he could fall. Jimin didn't mind, he trusted the merman would not harm him, after all what more damage could be done to him at this point. 

The bay was in sight, the mermen had taken longer than Jimin would usually take. They weren't so familiar on the land, so they had been cautious in the way the moved down the crumbling cliffs and worn paths. 

Jimin could see the relief on the mermen's faces when they saw the rolling waves crashing onto the sandy beach. They were home and Jimin had never felt more alone. 

He was placed gently to his feet upon the sand, he watched the mermen merge into their true beings, finally struck with relief from a pain they could heal, Jimin's pain could not be healed. Over time the physical damage would heal over, but the purpose of the damaged part would never return. 

He looked around, the scene did not feel complete. It was strange since he had been back he had not seen his cats, Latte and Mocha were missing. Jimin would have to look for them once again, the food he had left out for them was eaten he could see that, but their lack of appearance irked him. He really did love those cats, even if the mermen seemed to have a unknown distaste for them for some reason.

The rest of the day was spent with Jimin lying back on the beach, sleeping or simply gazing as clouds moved across the crystal blue sky. The mermen did not stray far, instead they swam in the shallows hunting for clams and oysters, laying them out upon the sand in hopes it would cheer up their mate. Providing him food would take stress off his mind, is what they hoped at least.

Jimin smiled, he knew they were trying. He knew their hearts were good and their intentions true. But he was scared, so so scared of what they could do. 


Later when he walked up to the house alone. The mer had tried to follow him, but he had told them he wanted some time alone. They had looked crestfallen, but never the less they respected his decision, which Jimin appreciated. 

The walk was difficult, he was still so unsteady. He wondered if he should go to a human doctor, perhaps there would be a cure, or he could regain some of his hearing through technological assistance. Like maybe hearing aids or the like. 

But as he sat down on his bed, he pondered. Looking to the guitar that he had played many months ago on the beach when he realised his true feelings for the mermen. His hand reached out hesitantly, fingers flinching as he reached the strings.

When his hand plucked the strings, instead of the melody Jimin knew he should hear, all there was was silence. That was the final weight, he crumbled.

His cries were heart breaking to anyone who could hear them.


I'm sorry for all the angst :(

Anyway I hope you liked the chapter.




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