You...! My Old Friend!

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Michael PoV

Oh! this is perfect!

I look on to the fight waiting to ensue.

Two pig head Noxians for the price of one.

The Noxian morons stared each other down.

Ahri: "Y/n!"

Ahri tries to stop the fight but I quickly block her path.

Me: "Babe! Don't be rash, you'll only get hurt!"

I honestly don't give a shit, but you getting hurt dosen't play well into my plan.

Ahri: "B-But!"

I hear Katarina groan beside me.

Katarina: "Great! Now I have two idiots to deal with instead of one."

I hear loud, obnoxious laughter coming from behind me.

I turn around and see that not only were they not fighting but they look like they missed each other.

Oh well, not everything can play into my hand.

I grit my teeth.

Still, a huge wasted opportunity.

Y/n PoV

I couldn't help but to laugh, seeing Sett once again.

Me: "Oi you fucking retard! Why didn't you tell me you were moving here!"

He laughed.

Sett: "Because I knew you'd burn everything down at this lame ass school!"

I chuckled.

Me: "Damn straight mother fucker!"

He places his hand around my shoulder.

Sett: "How about a fight? For old times sake."

I smirk.

Me: "I'd love to pummel your face in, but unfortunately, I'm out of practice and out of shape."

He rolls his eyes.

Sett: "Pusssssyyyyyy."

I click my teeth.

Me: "Whatever man, I gotta talk to Ahri."

He looks at me.

Sett: "Ahri? What for?"

I turn to him with a frown.

Me: "She's pissed I told her that Michael is a snake in the grass."

He narrows his eyes.

Sett: "Well, I don't know about that, but I always felt he was jealous of me. Y'know, it was never said, but you could always feel it."

I nodded my head.

Me: "Keep an eye on him, I got this feeling that he's nothing but trouble."

He nodded, now serious.

Sett: "Who am I to denounce a claim from the Mantis Shrimp."

I exhale.

Mantis Shrimp, I almost forgot that dumb name.

Sett: "I'll keep my eyes on him."

I nod, walking towards Ahri.

Me: "Tell Aphelios I said hi."

I didn't bother waiting for Sett to say yes, instead analyzing the area around Ahri.

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