Noxian Rage

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Akali PoV

I rub my neck gently, trying to decompress after the day's boring lessons.

Straightening my shoulders, I turn my attention to a loud bang coming from the hallway to my right.

What the fuck was that?

My eyes widen as I hear a loud Yelp coming from the same direction.

I readjust my backpack as I sprint to check out the commotion.

I gasped, seeing three senior boys standing over a freshman.

No, the one in front was literally standing on the freshman.

Me: "Hey!"

I toss my backpack at the senior standing on top of the freshman.

Me: "The fuck are you doing!"

As I walk closer I finally see who the seniors are.


I stare on, shocked.

Nick and Danny too?

Micheal: "Y-you weren't supposed to be here!"

I looked down and finally, realize who was on the ground.

That's Chris.

I grit my teeth and glare at the boys.

No way I'm letting this slide!

Just as I rush forward to punch Micheal.

His face gets slammed into the locker on his left.

Nick, Danny, and I all turn to look at who hit Micheal.

Holy shit!

Y/n stood there, his fist still plowing Micheal face into the locker.

The locker itself looked indented.

I hesitate for a moment, not sure what to do.

But Y/n didn't stop.

He grabbed Danny by the collar and slammed his head into his nose.

Danny recoils back as Nick throws a punch at Y/n.

Y/n dodged.


Y/n slips through and drives his fist into his eye.


Nick screams out holding his eye.

Micheal manages to peel himself off the locker, but Y/n had already turned around.

Y/n rammed his fist into Micheal's stomach.

As Micheal doubles over, Y/n uppercuts Micheal.

As Micheal's face rises, Y/n launches a devastating hook that lands cleanly on Michael's jaw.

Micheal's face twists, in a strange almost unnatural way.

Micheal's body begins to fall, but Y/n grabs him by the collar.

He picks him up slightly before slamming his fist into Michael's face.

Once again Michael's skull bent the lockers behind him.

I was terrified.

I'd never seen violence like this.

Of course, I had fought before but this... this was something different.

Terrifying, extreme, true, violence.

Danny tried to peel Y/n off Micheal.

But Y/n turned around and does something truly horrifying.

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