1. Expertise

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The Father

"I apologise for the recall," I said as I entered the conference room where the team were settling down at the round-table. 

"I know it's been a long night, but we've been called in to assist on a case involving three children."

"Sir, nothing's come past my desk." Garcia said quietly with an apologetic expression as though she had no idea what I was talking about.

"It's alright Garcia, this one came directly to me." I explained.

"But I thought that didn't happen anymore?" Morgan questioned and I smirked, nodding my head as I stood in front of the screen looking down at my team of profilers who never let me forget anything.

"You're quite correct, that doesn't happen anymore. But this is a special circumstance..." I heaved a worried sigh, hoping she knew what she was letting herself in for. 

"Now, I know it's been a while but I'd like you all to bear in mind that this is an active case that we need to keep the head on, okay?" The team exchanged confused glances and I sighed. 

This wasn't going to be easy. 

"Aren't you going to tell us about the case?" Prentiss asked, glancing at JJ and Morgan next to her.

"Actually, I'll be doing that," A familiar voice explained from behind me. I turned to see my daughter in the doorway of the conference room; a broad smile on her face as she observed my team's reactions. 

"Good morning everyone." She said quietly with heated cheeks as everyone gasped her name.

"Mel what're you doing here? You didn't mention anything about a visit the last time we talked!" Garcia gushed, leaping to her feet but halting as Melanie held up a hand to keep her in place.

"This isn't a social visit, I'm afraid," She said apologetically, and Garcia owered herself back into her seat.

"Believe me this wasn't planned at all," She stated, offering an apologetic smile to Garcia as she tried to remain professional. From behind her, a tall young woman appeared with long dark hair and piercing blue eyes. 

"This is my PA; Cadet Ainsley Hart." The young woman in the doorway stepped forward with a small and sheepish smile. She reminded me of a young Spencer when he first joined the BAU; timid and completely unsure.

"You have a PA?!" Garcia gushed and Melanie smiled bashfully, nodding her head.

"As of last week," She explained. "I didn't want to say anything when I called because we weren't sure if it was a permanent thing or not. But Ainsley's decided to continue her training alongside me in the New York office."

"That's incredible. That's the best way to learn." Morgan nodded enthusiastically and I smirked down at my feet; it was obvious he found Hart attractive.

"It's great to meet you all, Hotchy's told me so much about you all." 

"Hotchy?" Rossi repeated.

Melanie smiled again and glanced at me.

"We'll have plenty of time to catch up properly after the case." Melanie explained professionally, glancing at me as she turned to the screen where Hart was inserting a USB.

"Of course," I was saying as I turned back to the table and pulled out a seat. I handed her the controller for the screen as I explained,

"Melanie and her team have called us in to assist on this case." I explained as the team looked at me with questioning eyes.

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