36. Discovery

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"It's hard to tell who has your back, from who has it long enough to stab you in it." - Nicole Richie

The Daughter

"There you go Diana." I smiled, setting the cup of tea down on the bed-tray across her lap.

"Ah wonderful sweetheart," She reached for my face and I smiled, my eyes fluttering closed as she held my face and kissed my forehead. 

"It's such a pleasure to see you." She said satisfactorily, letting me go so I could sit my heavily pregnant self down on the seat next to her bed.

"Likewise Diana, I'm so sorry I haven't been able to visit as often as previously." I sighed regrettably, taking ahold of my own cup of tea and looking into the liquid guiltily. 

"Oh nonsense, Melanie, it hasn't been that long since last time." She laughed, shaking her head and sipping at her tea, sighing happily. 

"Ah, nobody can make a cup of tea as good as you can." She grinned and I smiled proudly at her compliment.

"That's because you don't know any other pure British person who can make a pure British cup of tea." I joked and she laughed, nodding her head.

"That much is true. I hope you're teaching Spencer how to make tea as good as you."

I paused and pulled a funny face, making her chuckle in agreement. 

"Well, I'm trying, but it's not as easy as it sounds," I joked and we both laughed. 

"More so because I barely get to see Spencer as much as I used to..." I said a little more seriously, staring off into my tea again.

"Nonsense," She said brusquely, reaching forward and gesturing for my hand. Happily and smiling I gave it to her, her soft and wrinkled fingertips smoothing over my knuckles as she held my hand firmly along with my eyes. 

"I have never seen a couple more in love than the pair of you last week," She told me truthfully while staring deep into my eyes; my stomach dropping and rolling along with my heart as I heard her words wash over me.

"The way you looked at each other..." She smiled and shook her head, her eyes clouding over happily. 

"I'm so proud of my Spencer falling in love with a lady such as yourself, Melanie. And I am so thankful that you're giving my son the one thing he's longed for since he was a child himself." My eyes teared up and I dropped my gaze to my lap, my left hand shaking holding my tea.

I didn't care if I spilt the burning hot liquid onto my legs; that was a faraway thought as I recalled the last time I'd sat in front of Diana with Spencer, the two of us; us three so serious and worried as her condition deteriorated. 

That day was not last week. 

I was merely months pregnant at that time. 

Nevertheless, I kept up appearances and played along with the charade that I have spent every Thursday with Diana for the past two months since her health began slowly picking up from the treacherous plunge it had taken upon her pneumonia diagnosis. 

I knew I couldn't tell her about Hart; I couldn't share my worries or feelings for what good would it do? 

Diana was finally getting better; her medication was settling her levels and her mind was settling into a - debatable - normality which it had strived to achieve for months now. 

Who was I to set an uproar within her mind after it working so hard for balance?

I enjoyed spending time with her again; realising how much I'd missed her and our giggles together. 

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