Chapter 35

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Several years had passed since the Doom Slayer was crowned the Night Sentinel's warrior king and made the posterboy of their never-ending crusade against Hell. The warrior now donned his green praetor suit (unmodified at the time) which made him stand out as much as he did before with his old marine armor which had long been discarded. He was also given his own sentinel dragon under his command as the dragons were given to the kings of Argent D'nur. The creature was brandished with his marking, the mark of the Slayer, on its face to signify his ownership of it. Despite the years of fighting the demons and developing his bond with the Night Sentinels, the warrior was not satisfied with his work. The demons weren't dead and he had been trapped in this world for quite some time. He was making no progress in avenging his dead family despite all of his talk about killing demons. He felt he had not followed up on the promise he had made to eradicate all of the demons and until he had fulfilled that promise, he would maintain his vow of silence until all of the demons were dead. He never told the Night Sentinels why he stopped talking, it was a change that happened overnight that the Slayer has committed to since then.

The warrior spent much of his time either fighting demons or resting alongside his brothers-in-arms. Xernex was getting ready to take his friend out in the city to enjoy the many luxuries of Taras Nabad as they relaxed after a long day of work. Xernex and the warrior met up during dusk, preparing to leave the outpost for the day and enjoy the night. As they walked across the vast vehicle bay, they could see the gigantic mechanical Atlans tower above the entire area. The peak of Sentinel technology, created as a countermeasure for the Dreadnought which wreaked havoc through Taras Nabad. Never again will they allow themselves to experience that type of pain as they are now well-prepared with their mighty Atlan suits with the power to combat a titan.

Xernex waved goodbye to his men as he guided the Slayer along with one arm around the man's shoulders. As they passed through the streets, Xernex waved at all civilians he passed by. The little children he talked to before grew into successful teenagers preparing to enter the adult world. The people of the city cheered at the sight of the Doom Slayer, a reoccurring event due to how popular the warrior became amongst the people. Radical legends were made about the warrior and his origins despite never knowing who he was but one thing always remained consistent amongst the numerous adaptations of the story: He was the hellwalker of vengeance who will eradicate the demons.

Xernex nudged his fist against his friend's arm as he commented, "Have you heard some of the things they've been saying about you recently?" Flynn said nothing, moving his head slightly to look at his friend. The physical enhancement he received from the Divinity Machine made him grow several inches taller than he was before. He had a much larger physique than Xernex but that didn't bother the lieutenant. "They're beginning to say you're some sort of 'God-machine' created by the Maykrs to enforce their will. I think it's kind of weird considering her chancellor mysteriously disappeared following your debut as the Doom Slayer. Maybe he was scared? Who knows, there's definitely a lot going on that I don't understand. But don't mind me, I'm just rambling on like I usually do. How about we stop by the bar? Drink's on me." The warrior said nothing in response, keeping his eyes focused on the road ahead. He could care less what other people thought of him or what hoaky fairy tail they made about him. He had his own mission to complete and that's all that matters. Xernex cracked one last joke as they arrived at the bar, "I know, no drinks for the mighty green badass."

They stepped into the bar filled to the brim with Sentinels and civilians alike. Many of them were drunk and playing games like madmen. It was easy for the two men to slip into the crowd, unnoticed, as everyone was too busy minding their own business. The room was lit by traditional candles, a customary feature of sentinel bars as they realized it was a much more soothing aesthetic compared to blaring neon lights. The Slayer looked around the bar, taking in the environment as he recollected his memories from his old military life back on Earth. He did have similar experiences with his old team. He had met his wife on the dance floor one night, a woman so captivating he couldn't take his eyes off of her and he felt compelled to ask her to dance with him despite not being open to the idea. Vanessa, his wife, and the only woman he ever loved. No, forget about it, that was all in the past and he has yet to avenge her.

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