01 lovey-dovey

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There is only so much lovey-dovey shit I can take when I've waited twenty-eight years for my own chance at love and yet I am still waiting for my mate.

I wouldn't say I'm much of a jealous person because I know I am truly happy for others when they find their soul-mates. It is an astonishing and life changing discovery but when it's plastered right in front of you, every second of every day for the last two weeks, then it gets to me a little.

I stare back at my sister as she sits across the kitchen counter from me, her eyes gazing dreamily into her mate, Jesse's eyes. They met two weeks ago and they have been inseparable since.

"Now it's your turn to feed me." Her eye drops into a wink as Jesse smirks in response, dipping a strawberry into melted chocolate and bringing it up to her lips.

He smothers it against her mouth and then she opens and chomps down on it, laughing in response. But not a funny laugh, a deep, sensual laugh. And I should not be here right now watching them have mind-sex whilst feeding each other chocolate strawberries.

"Now it's your turn to feed me," his husky voice rumbles through the kitchen.

"Okay," I say aloud as I crunch on my cereal. "Can you guys not do this right here?"

Fran's blue eyes turn to me suddenly and she zones back into the room. It's like she had no clue I was even here in the first place and my unanticipated presence has confused her. "Are we bothering you?" She sighs and licks the chocolate off her lips.

"No but this is a communal area," I glance around at the large kitchen. "I'd appreciate it if I could eat my cereal in peace and not consider throwing up into the bowl."

She rolls her eyes dramatically at me and Jesse scratches the back of his head with awkwardness. "Why can't you be happy for me?" She sounds out each word fairly harshly.

"I am happy for you, Fran," I dismiss her question and fold my arms across my chest. "You know I am but seeing you two like this every day doesn't give me a lot of hope for the future. I don't want to come down here and find you two... fornicating on the fucking counter. Chocolate involved and all."

Jesse slaps a hand across his mouth to stop himself from laughing but it only earns me a judgemental shake of the head from Fran. "You are unbelievable."

I raise my hands in defence before grabbing my bowl and shoving it into the dishwasher. "You know I'm right though, it's only a matter of time before that shit starts escalating," I mumble and turn back to her. "So I'd appreciate it if you can be more respectful around the house, in front of me, in front of the pack."

"You're just jealous, Everett," she hisses at me as I walk around the kitchen counter. "Just admit it, you can't bear to see me with Jesse because you still haven't found your mate."

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