20 tongue strokes

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I've been home for the last forty five minutes, collecting all the information that was delivered today. Anything to make our district safer and our territories sharper with security. If anything I'd rather be in bed with Reign but if I don't do this now, I'll forget everything tomorrow.

I itch to go upstairs and kiss her goodnight but it's already past twelve and I don't want to wake her. Deep down I've been hoping that she had a good day, hopefully Fran, Milo and Jesse have kept her company at least.

My eyes are glued to the pieces of paper on my desk, covered with notes from today. I roll my thumb and index finger over my forehead, God this is so tedious and my eyes are beginning to sting.

Ten more minutes and I can climb into bed, roll Reign into my arms and finally have a good night's sleep.

I'm relieved she wants to sleep in my bed since the night she accidentally fell asleep. Or the fact that she kissed me yesterday. I've barely been able to focus without thinking back to that moment.

God, her lips taste like heaven. Even without that ice-cream, she's addictive and I'd be a liar if I said I didn't want more. Reign wants to take things slow and I'll respect that because if I push her too far, I might not get her back.

She needs trust and I want her to know that she can trust me.

The door to my office creaks open and I glance up, Reign emerges from the hall with a hand rubbing her left eye. She's wearing nothing but a long t-shirt that covers half of her thighs. Bare feet and crazy restless hair.

Even half asleep my wolf wants to claim her against the floor. So do I... but I keep myself composed, she said slow so I will do slow.

I frown at her presence. "It's late. You should be in bed."

"I can't sleep," her voice is quiet as she walks closer to my desk.

As she inches closer the hairs on my arms begin to stand and suddenly I'm shivering, my eyes widening and my heart rate increasing. My wolf howls at the top of its lungs inside me.

I almost fall back against my chair. I know Reign's scent inside and out but this is different... This is her arousal.

My chest constricts as I push myself up from the desk and walk towards her, she's standing with dilated eyes and pink stained cheeks. I take her hand in mine and bring it up to my nose. All my suspicions are clarified and I drop her hand instantly.

Fuck. She's been masturbating.

She's been masturbating in my bed and suddenly I cannot breathe. The air becomes thinner and my head becomes light, holy shit. I can't deal with this. Not after our heated kiss. Not after I got a taste of her on my tongue, although I wish it could have been between her thighs instead.

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