10 falsely accused

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I wait until three o'clock and no watch appears on my desk. That's when I know for sure that Lily never took it in the first place and I've accused her of something she didn't even do.

She's probably shut herself in her room for the rest of the day out of sheer embarrassment.

I've caused those feelings. I've probably made her mental situation worse. I should trust her, how can I prove myself to her now? I never even gave her the benefit of the doubt.

I exit my office some time later and find Fran and Jesse laughing in the kitchen. There are no obvious wounds from our activity yesterday but I know how well our pack doctors work, they're only the best.

Jesse's eyes collide with mine and he smiles. "Hey man," he grins.

"How are you feeling?"

"Fine now," he nods. "A little rest and I'm better than ever. You're right, they are miracle workers."

I glance at Fran who is lounging against the counter with her phone in hand, clearly ignoring me from our conversation earlier. Both of us got ahead of ourselves but I won't forget what she said about my mate. She took things too far.

"Did you find your watch, Jesse?"

"Oh, yeah!" He exclaims whilst shoving red grapes into his mouth. "I must have knocked it into my sock drawer by accident, my bad."

I shoot my eyes back to my sister but she's still indulged in her phone. "So you found it, huh?"

Fran rolls her eyes, huffing out a deep sigh.

A cheap laugh escapes my lips. "Nothing to say?"

"What is there to say, Ev?"

"That you pointed the finger at Lily when it wasn't even her fault?" I step closer. "That you said some despicable things about her when you didn't even know the facts, you just wanted someone to blame because you have something against her."

"I told you, we don't know her."

"No," my voice roars. "You don't know her. I'm getting to know her. She has feelings, she matters. I don't care what you say about her, I'm not going to stop until she opens up to me and trusts me. You're just so fucking shallow that you can't see someone struggling, someone who needs our help."

"We've helped enough people, Everett!" Fran's tone sharpens. "The last few months have been chaotic because we help people, that's all we ever do. What about the pack?"

A hand swipes across my forehead. "Lily is different. She is my mate."

"Whatever," she grumbles and walks towards Jesse who is pretending not to pay attention. "Let's go for a run. I can't be bothered to stand here right now."

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