42 fair play, angel

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I've been out in the woods by myself and my bow and arrow. I need some time alone, not because anything is wrong but because I've missed archery and the smell of the trees and the crisp air.

It's the perfect time to clear your mind. Find peace within yourself.

I like listening to the rustling of the autumn leaves, the chirping of the birds. It soothes my mind after the last couple of days. Everything has been perfect but incredibly overwhelming.

Today has been the first day that Everett has reluctantly left me alone. He had some business to take care of with Kassian, he asked if I wanted to join but I said I wanted some time to myself. He didn't protest. Instead he kissed me on the forehead and told me he loves me.

A familiar scent wafts through the air and I lower my bow and arrow, I turn towards the smell to find Cleo walking through the trees effortlessly. "Hi," she offers me a smile, flicking her brunette hair over her shoulder. "I hope you don't mind me disrupting your training. Kassian and Everett are together and I thought I'd pop by to see how you are."

"Hi," I offer back. "No, not disrupting. I was finishing up anyway."

Cleo's hazel eyes fixate on mine in a friendly glance. "I thought we could hang out. Have a catch up. I know we haven't spent a lot of time together but maybe we could change that."

I tuck my bow between my hands. "Sure," I say with a smile. "I could do with some girl time."

She flashes me a grin. "Great shooting by the way," she beckons to the bullseyes that have been hit. "You should teach me sometime. I'm always up for strengthening my skills."

"Would be happy to," I admit. "We can head back to the house."

"Lead the way," she says before falling in line with me. "How have you been since you've been home?"

I turn to look at her slowly, she has the perfect glossy lips and tan skin. She's slightly taller than me, more filled out with beautiful curves. I don't think I've really analysed her like this up close but it's clear as day how stunning she is.

"Yeah I've been okay," I say, looking down to the grass. "Better than okay. Everett has been waiting on me hand and foot. Everyone has made me feel like home again."

Cleo nods in agreement. "As he should be. Have you guys made up with what happened before you left?"

We make it to the clearing of the pack house and we both perch on the top step of the patio, I take off the bag carrying my arrows and lay it beside my bow. "Yeah," I nod, wrapping my arms around myself. "Originally the argument was stupid." Then I laugh to myself. "I heard you two in his office, you were both laughing and it just struck something in me."

I turn to Cleo who is staring at me with a frown, eyes almost guilty. "We had an intimate night the night before and when I woke up he was gone. Then I heard you downstairs in his office and I just couldn't hack my anxiety, the feeling of not being good enough. I've always been my worst enemy."

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