Issue 4 - The Girl Who Just Wants to be a Hero

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An explosion echoed out from a small restaurant as a pink-haired girl flew out, crashing into a bus stop coughing. Dozens of power-hungry fans swarmed the building, all challenging her. 

She wanted to stay. She tried to make things right and fight. But she knew she had no right; rules were rules. She couldn't hurt civilians. Taking a deep breath, she wiped her bloody lip, vanishing in a spark of lightning.

As the chaos ended, a lone drone returned, watching the aftermath. From the comfort of her computer, a figure giggled, slurping up pot noodles. "It ended the same way again; why do you keep trying? I have no clue. No one can beat IDDA; you'll need some miracle even to come close, girl. What idiot would even choose to work with you!?" 


"You are a total idiot!" Billy snapped, throwing me a newspaper. I caught it glossing over the matter. "Taking on the number one Hero Chaser?! What is wrong with you!"

Continuing to slurp my juice, I moved the straw around, nodding. "Hey, look, I'm in the newspaper; I didn't think this would blow up so much. Ahh, it must be a slow week."

"This is a big deal. If you had paid any attention to your new world, you would know no one has taken on the Untouchable God and walked it off as well as you. Even if he doesn't like to admit it, you embarrassed him last night."

Scrolling through the channels, I felt my eye twitch as I grumbled. "The bastard started it; I was purely minding my own business; if he wants to sulk about it, that's Diego's problem."

"Speaking of paid, you still haven't paid me the rent."

"Fuck off; I haven't. I gave you the month's payment when I arrived."

Billy was getting more pissed off trying to hold his tongue. "Yes, you did; you gave me one month of rent. If you read my text, you would know I asked for two months upfront. So where's my damn money, Y/N?"

I paused the TV, sighing. "You know what, super fair. Ahh, but I left my wallet in the car."

Billy took the remote, pointing it at me. "Sign up for the Hero Chasers already; if you can cause a racket overnight, you're worth something. But please try to keep out of controversy for now. I think I'm close to scoring a gig with these guys."

 "That job interview was for the association?"

"Yes, and I would very much like to score that job. Thank you." Billy returned, rubbing his face. "Just go and sign up, please."

"Suppose I've been sitting on my ass for long enough." I shrug off, jumping up. "I'll have the rent by the end of the week, pinky promise."

"That's what they all say..."


I was left in disbelief; I guess I did kick the hornet's nest here with the so-called untouchable God. Social media was set ablaze with our rather lame fight. Rubbing the back of my head, I sighed. "If I'm going to make it big, I must prepare myself for the inevitable round two against the guy. I have no idea what his power is, but when I get my assault form back, it won't matter!" 

My laughter fizzled as I heard something crash in the alleyway behind me. Turning around, I slowly approached, clearing my throat. "Ello? Leonardo, Michelangelo? Ugh, the purple one? Hello?"

I paused as a pink-haired girl crawled out from the bins, patting herself down. "Find something in there you like?"

"Huh?" The girl muttered, looking at the bin. "Oh! No, it isn't like that. I jumped here; I don't do well, you know."

"I ain't one to judge. You have a little something." I began pointing to a banana peel. 

Going bright red, she threw it aside nervously, laughing. "Nice weather we're having today."

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