Issue 26 - Ice Cold Revenge Part 2

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"No, crap... I didn't mean to build my house there. How many bells do I owe that damn mole?" Izanami whispered, lying on her back, playing on her Nintendo Switch while the world around her was at war. Then, reaching for her snacks, she found herself out taken back. "Not again."

An echoed footstep made her sit up, peering out from the cargo container. She paused as she and Kira looked eyes. Most would freeze up or even panic seeing the daughter of the Catano family in the flesh.

Most. Not Izanami.

Izanami sat back down, bored. "Oh, hey, Kira."

"Izanami, where's Y/N?"

"That way." She replied, pointing aimlessly in one direction. "He's been gone ages."

Kira looked in that direction, not satisfied with such an answer. "You're close with that sly bastard; surely you would know where he went!"

Izanami shrugged her shoulders, glued to her screen. "Meh."

Kira's eyes began to twitch, buying Izanami's attitude. Then, her hand began to flicker and ignite as she approached Izanami. "If you don't tell me where Y/N is, he'll just come to me."

"Huh?" Izanami muttered as the area was scorched in flames melting through everything. Smoke danced into the air as Kira watched, admiring her work. However, from the fire came a melted Nintendo Switch. Izanami walked out of the flames; her clothes scorched, and her appearance burnt to a crisp. "You better pay for that."

Kira began attacking more obliterating Izanami from her sight. Finally, the ground started to cave in, oozing into nothing as there was nothing of the zone Izanami had called paradise.

Kira watched on again, ready to burn her foe again and again. About to strike once more, a sucker punch knocked her to the ground. Izanami emerged now unscathed, dying another death. Shaking her hand, she looked down on Kira shaking her head. "You, of all people, should know this is pointless."

Walking away, Izanami shook her hand, yawning. "I wonder how Y/N is doing-." Cut off by another fire bombardment, Izanami turned around, burnt alive, rolling her eyes. "This is so pointless..."

Kira roared, throwing her into a wall. Falling to her knees, she looked out, seeing Kira striking. Izanami took each hit, not giving anything back, simply accepting each new death.

Lying on the ground, Izanami struggled to get up, her arm broken, face peeling away from the heat. But even with that, she turned around repeatedly and just walked away. This only sent Kira more over the edge, gripping her hands tightly. "Don't you walk from me, Izanami!"

"I don't even know you; go away." She muttered. "I'm not your vessel for revenge. You should just give it up; it doesn't matter. Nothing matters."

"Is that how you seriously feel? You walk around brooding and moping, yet you choose to hand around Y/N like a lost puppy." Kira points out, glaring at Izanami. "People like you make me sick; if the world screwed you over, do something about it!"

Izanami looked at Kira, yawning. "That's nice; I'm going now. Bye-bye."

Kira snapped, pinning Izanami to the ground and holding a scorching hand to her face. "You're going nowhere until you tell me the truth. I want to see it from your own eyes."

Izanami held her arms out against the floor. Her lifeless stare looked straight past Kira. "What is there to see? From a young age, I was told to make the most of life and leave no stone unturned, as it will be gone in the blink of an eye. So what do I do? How do I make sense of an infinite? I'm going to run out of dreams eventually."

Gripping Izanami's shirt tightly, Kira scoffed at this. "No, oh no, that's bull. Forget what Izanami wants. What do you want?"

"What do I want?" Izanami whispered, taken back. A drop of water fell down by her side. A single teardrop. Feeling her cheek, she was dazed. "That's... New. I want, I want to be happy. Y/N and the others make me happy."

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