Issue 21 - Behind the Curtain

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This week had been such a drag, and now I was thrown into a stupid PR movement with some magical announcements the higher-ups would make. Give me a break, oh and to top that up; I have a splitting headache. I would say this day couldn't get any worse, but I really don't want to jinx this.

Leaning against the bannister, I glanced over all the Hero Chasers gathering in the main reception of the HQ. A few I recognise, most I didn't. Sipping my soda, I shook my head, groaning. "This is going to be a drag."

"Ah, I don't know. It might be fun." A boy scoffed, leaning ahead next to me. He stunk of perfume, blending deep in his golden armour. "It's been a hot minute since we've had one of these."

"Cool," I mutter, leaving, but of course, it was never that simple. "I'm Y/N; you're. I don't care. Nice talking."

"Now, hold on there, partner. Not every day you meet the living legend who brought Diego down a notch." He gloats, holding his hand out. "The name's Klein; after what you did, I owe you one."

"I hate favours; it's never that simple."

"Then how about my show of gratitude? Can I buy you a drink?"

"You can buy yourself one, be my guest."

"Not an easy cookie to crack, huh? I was really hoping we could team up in the Arena, but I suppose that boat has sailed. Although perh-."

"I think you've overstayed your welcome, wouldn't you agree, Klein?" Diego muttered, placing a hand on his shoulder. "The kid said no."

Klein forced Diego off him, spitting on his shoe. "You ain't shit anymore, gilipollas. Espero que te patee el trasero de nuevo."

Klein soon leaves as Diego rolls his eyes, sighing. "The bastard is just jealous he wasn't the one to bring me down. He sure tried several times. Long time no see, kid."

"I don't know if I should be impressed or amused; you actually turned up to one of these events." I scoff, arms crossed. "It seems most people don't take you seriously anymore."

"It's sort of reliving, but don't expect thanks from me." He dryly chuckled, looking over the onlookers. "You sometimes forget how many suckers actually signed up to become a Hero Chaser. Trust me, not even a third of these rejects were trying when I was around. But, of course, we're in a different ball game now."

"Why does every word that comes out of that mouth of yours sound add to your fragile ego?" I replied, rubbing my ring and eyeing him down. "Why are you really here, Diego?"

"As I said, quite a lot of people down here, kid. You think you could take me down with the tides turned in my favour?" He says curiously, glancing at me. "My god, you seriously can't take a joke; look what happened back then. There was then; this is now. No point sulking over off-spilt milk; if we were all drowning in our past mistakes, no one would get anything done."


"Although saying that... If we run into each other in the Arena, I won't hesitate to kill you."

"I keep hearing this, Arena; what the hell are you talking about?"

"Oh, you'll see." He gloats as the horde of Hero Chasers begins flooding into the main lobby. "Showtime."

Diego strolled down the stairs as Lily approached. "Y/N, are you ready?"

"For what?"


"Ahh, the Deity is here," Charmeine whispered, looking over her paperwork. "Ada, thanks you for coming." 

"Ugh, the pleasure is all mine," I mutter, eyebrow raised. "For whatever this is."

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