Issue 22 - Welcome to the Jungle

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"Move out of the way; let him up, Zara!"

Groaning, I found myself waking up in a room unknown to me. As I tried moving, I winced in pain, holding my waist. "Easy, easy. Don't move so suddenly."

"What happened? Where are we?"

Miley glanced at me, arms folded. "You mean, you don't remember?"

"Last thing I remember, Ada revealed herself to everyone and announced the Arena."

"Thought so." She scoffed, looking through the small barred-off windows. "That kiss you had with her? I hope it was worth it; it killed you."

"Miley! You could have at least brought in on him more softly!" Zara snapped, kneeling next to me. "How do you feel?"

"Can we rewind it to the part where you said I died?" I croaked, holding my neck and feeling my throat drying up. "You're not pulling my leg here?"

"After Miss Number One Hero Chaser's announcement, we were all whisked away just like that. You tried stopping Ada but died on the spot. So she was well prepared for you, it seems. I bet you're put off kissing someone for life." Miley said, chuckling at the end of the sentence. "Izanami brought you back."

Izanami wrapped a bandage around her arm, looking away embarrassed. "Bringing people back to life come naturally to me I guess..."

"She caught me off guard, nothing more. The next time, I- Ugh."

"What did I say!? Take it easy or else." Zara threatened forcing me back down. "Anything Miley?"

The crate began to shake again as Miley took a deep breath. "We're moving again."

With all my energy, I managed to stand myself up, looking through the bars of our prison. We weren't just moving; we were flying. Around were a dozen more crates, most likely with others in. Each container was being pulled by a helicopter. Snapping my fingers at Miley, I began babbling. "You, you're the expert in all things Hero Chasers. What is this Arena?"

"One that's rude. I have a name, you know." Miley gasps, slumping against the wall. "And two, I have no idea; I never took part in any of them."

"Why not? I thought the Queen of Chaos was always raring to fight; this seems right up your alley."

"I think you forgot that The Former Untouchable God was king just four months ago. If you think I'd be foolish enough to enter a game where I would most likely lose, you've got another thing coming." She hissed, giving me the middle finger.

"Well, did you at least watch it?"


"Well, a fat lot of good you were," I mutter, rubbing my ring. "Stand back while I break us out of here."

Charging up my attack, I punched the wall only for my attack to repel back, knocking me on my back. "Oh yeah, I forgot to mention this container reflects back our powers."

"Oh, you think?"

Zara continued to stare out the window, agitated. "Do you think the others are in the same boat as us?"

"Most likely," I whisper. "The Arena, huh... Not only do I have to worry about some new hotshots wanting a piece of the pie, but I also got to be prepared for both Kira and Diego seeking revenge. But, on the bright side, we're all cool, right?"

"Oh, of course, don't fear, Y/N, I'll protect you!" Zara boldly claimed making dumb hero poses.

"My hero..."

"I don't hold any grudge against you," Izanami whispered, smoking a cigarette. "To be fair, though, I probably won't even bother fighting. I'll sit this one out; what's the worst that can happen? I die?"

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