8. Taehyung

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I'm fucked.

It turns out I'm dating some marketing god with so many connections in the racing community that it seems like the entire Asia knows about... whatever the fuck this race is called. Park Hyoshin's race. Jungkook genuinely wanted to call it The Asshole Race, but Wooshik said we'll be using Hyoshin's name so he's more embarrassed at the end of the whole deal.

When we arrive at the race, there are at least six times more people than during the first time we met at the dirty parking lot. More cars, more people who take pictures. People looking at us, at me. Talking. I have heard my name so many times 'Kim Taehyung' stopped making sense or sounding like my name.

Not in a way fans of idols react. But like fellow racers who know I'm... the best. God, am I even the best or am I making a fool out of myself?

I push it all out of my mind as my team comes together. Me, Jungkook, Yeeun, Wooshik. Jiho. Sana. Hoseok. The best team. And we're quite an event. People gather around us, waiting for Hyoshin and whoever he's going to put in the races against us.

As some kids with colorful hair are busy talking with Jungkook, Yeeun and Hoseok, Jiho tugs on my elbow. "Who's top priority in your team? I can't keep six people safe at the same time."

I glance back at everyone and tell him, "Wooshik is number one. Yeeun is skilled and she might help you just in case, but she's number two. Then Jungkook, but me and him will try to manage. Then the rest."

"What about you? Yoongi will cut my head off if something happens to you."

I chuckle. Sounds true. "I'll be fine. It'd be too expected of him to get rid of me. Especially now, with so many people knowing what this whole thing is about. He's too proud to get rid of me in a very obvious way, and so early on."

"Yeah, probably. But still. I'm not risking my head, dude."

The crowd starts parting. Our way comes Hyoshin and his six racers, all looking as bland as a group of people possibly can. I would not recognize them in the crowd even if I tried. Most of them, at least.

"No fucking way," Wooshik says, half-shocked, half... furious.

"What?" I ask, as we all gather closer. I look across his people. Pink buzz cut girl. I've seen her and Wooshik on facetime once or twice. It's... Sue. His best friend from Daegu.

That must be a targeted move.

When the crowd is fairly silent – and we're looking like two gangs about to get in a fight – Wooshik speaks first. Looking at who is supposed to be his best friend. "What are you doing?"

I hate how hurt he sounds no matter how much he tries to hide it.

She's looking at him with no expression. "Racing."

"With him?"

She shrugs. "I don't see a problem."

"Well, I fucking do, Sue."

"Quit it," she says. "Everything ended when you left Daegu for that bastard."

And she was so kind when we met on face time for the first time.

Yeeun huffs. "Bitch."

Sue moves her gaze to her. "What did you-"

"Bitch," Yeeun says louder. "You're a bitch. That's what I've said."

"Watch out who you're-"

"Are we in a fucking Family Feud? No. It's a race, so quit running your mouth and let's fucking drive," Jiho says, ending this goddamn discourse, and I'm so fucking happy.

Welcome to Your Last Race (Street Racers #3)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα