epilogue 03

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Everything in my life is slowly coming together.

"What do you think about this?" I ask, head on Jungkook's lap.

He takes the notebook from me and smiles. "Very you."

"I think so, too. I don't know how to categorize it."

He flips the pages. "Very you, very you, very you. It's all you. No one else would make something like this."

"But 'Yeeun' isn't a category."

"It is," he says. "You just have to find another words."


"Like... feminine, and powerful, and royal-"

"Royal?" I chuckle. "Me royal?"

"You're a queen, you didn't know it?"

For the past six months, I've been learning how to design clothes. All those years, there were so many times I had an idea but couldn't find it in any store. So now that's what I do. Design clothes I want to wear. Slowly, they are becoming my brand.

I just don't have a name for it.

But just like everything else, it will come together. Everything in my life is slowly coming together.

Jungkook keeps saying I've always been myself, but now I feel so much more confident about me as a person. I think it's visible that I understand more and more who I really am. I know what I'd fight for, I know what matters to me, I know what beliefs are really mine, and which I picked up from around me.

I know, and I keep getting to know myself. I don't think it ever ends. I'm always, consciously paying attention, choosing what is mine and what isn't.

"Better tell me about the Bugatti," I say.

Jungkook groans, throwing his head back. "We've done everything and it's still not as fast as we want it to be. Taehyung is thinking about this. We're going to drive around soon, meet new people and stuff."

"You wanna buy some illegal shit, don't you?"

"Whatever works." He grins. "I've never said it's going to be a legal endeavor."

"You think it will go lower than 8 seconds?"

"I'm hoping 7.9. Taehyung thinks it's impossible. If this doesn't work, I already found a guy in Busan who can sell me a new McLaren Speedtail."

"So you're starting to collect the fastest cars."

"Something like this."

"Don't get robbed, please."

"No worries. Yoongi turned out to be useful, after all."

"After all." I huff. "Like he didn't save your ass a hundred times at this point."

"I hated his ass when we met, and now he's the reason I'm not in jail. I have to at least tolerate this guy."

That's what Jungkook's saying, and Yoongi is acting in the same way, but they are like brothers. Taehyung and Yoongi are loving brothers, Jungkook and Yoongi are teasing brothers.

"Things changed so much." I let out a laugh. "Don't you think?"

"Things always change. I don't think we've ever had more than half a year of things being the same. Ever. Even when we're always together, things between us change. Or things around us."

That's our life. It has always been our life. Changing, but familiar. New and old together. No matter how difficult, how many ups and downs, it's always him and I, and it's always right.

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