41. Jungkook

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We talked this through, and Wooshik found a nice place, so this week no one thinks about work, issues or annoying people. We're renting a vacation home, at a lake in the mountains, outside of the city. We drove here two days ago. The road was amazing – new asphalt, empty and wide. For the most part of it, we've been racing each other. The last person to arrive was supposed to unpack groceries.

I lost.

We've been here for two days, and we've done exactly nothing. And I love that so much. We're eating, sleeping, playing video games and sitting outside, "enjoying nature".

Now, in November, it's too cold to get into the lake, but looking at it is nice enough.

It's late morning on our third day here, and slowly, everyone makes their way out. We've been doing it every day, meeting at the table in the backyard and deciding what food we'd be eating. Maybe today we'll branch out to actually do something else than nothing.

The four of us are here, Sunhee's still asleep.

"I've heard you two play late into the night," Wooshik says, looking at Yeeun.

"We were. And talking about girls." Yeeun lets out a laugh. "We got caught up with that."

"How could you even hear it? You were dead asleep by 10," says Taehyung.

"Because you decided you're going to start singing. I was so relaxed I passed out. But I woke up at 2 for a moment."

"You're singing again?" I ask.

"It's kinda fun when I'm not doing this for a school recital." Taehyung chuckles. He reaches for his phone, looking for something and then slides it towards Wooshik. "I know we're supposed to wait for Sunhee, but I found this thing last night. I really wanna eat that."

Everyone beside him jumps at the same time.

"On it," Wooshik says, except that we're all on our way to the kitchen.

Taehyung laughs. "Are you all in love with me or something?"

"That," Yeeun says, pausing at the sliding glass door, "is what I meant saying you're the baby of the group."

I understand it now. We all know he can handle a lot and take care of himself, but we've all grown way more... parent-y. We care, a lot, and I know recently he's had more bad days than good days. And I feel a bit like an asshole for getting so caught up with my own shit that I haven't paid much attention.

This week off is good for me. I'm not thinking about myself at all. Which, again, Taehyung would beat the shit out of me for. He's always saying this. That I don't care about myself enough. Maybe I don't. Should I?

We're all getting the food ready when Sunhee – awake for no more than ten minutes – walks in.

"What the hell are you all doing already?" she asks, right before chugging half a bottle of water.

"Taehyung wants to eat," Wooshik says.

"So... you're all cooking?"

I move out of the way when she opens the fridge.

"We got excited," I say.

Yeeun closes the tap and puts a filled pot away. "He's had a few rough weeks before you showed up. We're happy that he's feeling better."

I glance over my shoulder. Sunhee pours a glass of cold brew, looking through the window. She hums. I'm wondering what's on her mind when she grabs the glass and makes her way outside.

I share glances with Yeeun, then with Wooshik. We're all watching. Sunhee sits on the other side of the table, catching his attention. It's not the first time Sunhee and Taehyung are talking. They talk a lot at the garage, when she's working with us. Somehow, in certain areas, they understand each other better than anyone else.

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