ten years ago

79 6 0

High school.

We don't hang out with people from our class often, and when we do, something has to go wrong. We've never really fit with those people, and while some of them are alright, maybe even a bit fun, most of them are assholes and there is some issue going on between them and us.

Everyone has a different reason. Someone thinks it's stupid that he's friends with a girl. Someone likes to pick on me. Someone thinks we're liars, because we definitely 'fuck behind their backs and then tell them we're friends'. Which wouldn't even be their business if we did.

I've been picked on in every year of school, since elementary. It doesn't bother me anymore. Whether it was trying a new style or not going to college or not having a mom.

But it bothers Jungkook.

It bothers him a lot.

The only reason we said 'yes' to hang out with a bunch of people from class was Joonji's birthday. Joonji is cool, and when Jungkook's not at school, she's the only person I can freely talk to. We've never had an issue, and I consider her a good classmate, so when she asked if we'd come to her small birthday gathering, we agreed.

It's a gathering at a skatepark, because for some reason half of our classmates are skaters. Thank God there is a group of girls sitting around and chatting, because we'd look weird if it was only us. Tucked away on the side, done talking with whoever we had to talk with to be polite, now enjoying each other's company.

"Skating would fit you."

Jungkook narrows his eyes. "You think so? I feel like I'd break an arm."

"Yeah, obviously, but at some point it would fit you," I say. "You kinda dress like a skater sometimes."

"You'd probably be better than me, you know that?"

"At bruising my ass, yes. Absolutely."

"Thinking we'd beat them all in a race makes me feel better about myself."

"You lost the last race we went to."

He rolls his eyes. "You saw the guy I raced. He was a beast."

"Have you ever seen Taehyung race?" I ask.


"I'm curious. I heard some guys at that race talking about him. Apparently, he's been driving since 15. I heard some older guys calling him a threat."

"I haven't seen him race. But he might join the-" Jungkook pauses, and immediately pulls me to the side, shielding me with his arm.

"What the hell was that?" I breathe out.

He's lifting an old skateboard from the ground, looking terrifyingly pissed. I follow his gaze across the concrete park. Not too far from us, at the end of the now deadly quiet party, stands Mina and her boyfriend Park Something. I don't remember his name. I'm not sure I know it. We call him Park, anyway.

"Who were you aiming at?" Jungkook asks, sounding calmer than he is.

Without them saying anything, I know Mina told her piece-of-shit boyfriend to throw it at me. She hates my guts. Mina has been "in love" with Jungkook at the beginning of our high school years. He knows, but paid no attention to her, and she thinks it's my fault. She's been on my ass ever since.

Usually, she is the one saying mean shit to me or trying to start a weak fist fight I shut down before she balls her fist. I can handle her. I don't know why she's testing Jungkook's patience.

"If you don't answer, I'll beat the shit out of you anyways," Jungkook says, pointing at Park.

"Don't bother," I say, grasping his shirt in my fingers.

Welcome to Your Last Race (Street Racers #3)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang