goodbye, street racers!

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*taps the mic while holding back the tears*

Has it been a wild ride, everyone.

The Street Racers series has come to an end, and because it's a project very close to me, I didn't want to leave it like that with no closure. I don't think I've ever done anything like that, but before Street Racers, there has been no series or story I worked on that I grew so attached to.

Usually, I spend 3-4 months on a new fanfics. I've been with the Street Racers for a year and two months now, basically every single day since I came up with the idea for All Roads Lead to Us. Planning, plotting, writing, making teasers, editing, rewriting, thinking about them.

It was the most random idea I've had (remember the social media trend where people decided what to do by throwing pens into a jar? That's how I decided on the street racing theme), but it grew into a universe, characters and their stories that I love like my own children (the only children I'll ever have). I've cried writing those stories, I've been in the flow, I've laughed and felt truly fulfilled. Even though there are things I wish I'd done differently with the stories, with the execution and maybe internal conflicts of the characters, I fully love this series.

And I'm really grateful for all the love you've ever given it. You have no idea how happy it always made me when someone sent me a post or a reel or a picture, saying that it reminded them of the Street Racers.

I dragged the characters of this series through a lot (lmao), from ARLTU, through Partners in Speed to Welcome to Your Last Race, and it's time they go their own ways. While I'm feeling pretty sad that it's ending, I feel like it's the time to let it go.

Once again, thank you so much for loving the Street Racers! Let's hope they live well from now on.

aaand special thank you to jjkilytoo for creating all the street racers covers <3

(don't even ask how many hours of Fast & Furious movies I've watched in that year)

Welcome to Your Last Race (Street Racers #3)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora