35. Jungkook

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Since the race wasn't a complete disaster, and I don't have my car back yet, on the day me and Taehyung are supposed to go back to work, I'm searching for the last push in the mug of coffee. Seriously, I know it won't make me do it, but I don't know what else might.

And I'm not talking about going back to work. I want to come back to work. With Yeeun busy for the whole day anyways, I get bored at home fast.

I'm talking about taking Sunhee with me. She wants to dig in cars, I dig in cars. Showing your sister around, kinda thing. Not to say being a role model, because that's fucking terrifying.

Yeeun walks into the living room, closer to me and looks into the mug. "You haven't drank anything for the past fifteen minutes."

"I'm trying to... make a decision I won't regret later."

"What are the options?"

"Do or do not take Sunhee with me to work."

She raises her eyebrows, like she didn't expect that from me, and that's enough to show what kind of attitude I have been showing so far. I can't help feeling resistant to this whole siblings thing. I don't want to be resistant, so I'm trying. Which is harder than I thought it would be.

Because I know she's not like our parents. My mind just hasn't caught up yet.

"Do you want me to ask her?" Yeeun asks.

"No, I... I can't be so passive."

"You did well at the race. You asked her, you raced her. You're not that bad at this."

I sigh, finally taking a sip of coffee. "I'm trying."

Yeeun smiles and kisses my cheek. "I know you are."

So I finish my coffee and move, before I can talk myself out of it.

I knock, and she says, "Come in."

I push the door open and lean against the bed frame. "I didn't think you're a reading type."

Sunhee, barely awake, tangled in the thick blanket, waves her book in the air. "Don't be fooled. It's three hundred pages of women having sex in different places."

"Great morning lecture," I say. And then, because I know stalling will only make me leave this room without asking, I add, "I'm going to work today. Do you wanna go with me?"

"To work?" she asks, eyes wider.

"Yeah. Taehyung will be there, too. You can... see around. How it looks and shit."

"When are you leaving?"

"An hour."

"I'll be ready."

That was quick. No hesitation. Which is... good. Fine.

It's not like she'll kick me out of there, too.

God, I need to stop thinking like this. She didn't take anything from me.

When I go to our room to get ready, Yeeun is already there. She leans her hands back on the bed.

"How'd it go?"

I take a pair of work-jeans (the stained, torn ones) and a somewhat fresh black t-shirt, and throw them onto the bed. Washed, but with visible effects of wearing it to the garage. "She's going with me."

"I guessed as much." Yeeun chuckles. "I mean how are you feeling about this?"

I look at her, and because I'm not wearing pants anymore I can't quite take this seriously. So I put the jeans on and sigh. "I'm feeling... okay."

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