Chapter 7

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'How dare you? How dare you raise your hand on me? Who do you think you are?' I yelled at her when she grit her teeth asking

'And how dare you and your friends??? Portray me in ugly light? Who do you think you are huh? You think you can make me dance on your fingers like you did to Yamuna? Or any other girls in this college? Listen here Mister!!! I'm not just another girl whom you can flirt around. I'm Vanshika!!! I am not someone who would be with your kinda guy!!!


Who do you think you are? Some rich NRI? You are a bloody nobody!!! It's your father's money!!! What are you so proud of ?? Looks??? Body??? You got your looks because your parents or your grandparents must have been good looking!!! Ever heard of genes??? And if not then then what are doctors for??? What are beauty parlours and who is the customer for expensive cosmetic products...losers like you!!! Who thinks just by looking good they can have any girl by their side!!!

I'm not one amongst your play toys!!! Get it Mister? I believe in personality...I believe in being with gentlemen. Probably the reason why I haven't dated a single man till date and I won't until I find the perfect one for me. So next time I see you or your friends sit and gossip about how easy it is to 'acquire' me like I'm some piece of cake or a property...let me tell you...Your father may have more money!!! But I have better class!!!'

Suddenly my anger spurted as she took a step closer and snapped her finger infront of me and then pressed her index finger to my chest saying

'And you have absolutely no class!!! You kinda men don't even come close to what I reject!!! So...F off!!!' saying she walked out of the cafeteria only for one of the guys from her gang to step closer to me and warn

'We did not do anything to you because Vansh doesn't want us to!!! But next time try speaking shit about or your gang I don't care even if we are lesser in maybe a baseball player in your country...we play India's national game!!! Hockey!!! And you wouldn't want us to show you a demo!!! Live Demo!!!' He warned shooting fire into my eyes in a challenging manner and left from there.

I grit my teeth angrily as I noticed everyone in the cafeteria were staring at me. I was angry, embarrassed and pissed. My friends tried to calm me down but I was fuming. Not even my father raised his hand on me and a girl...a girl...after all a girl...slapped me? How dare she?

I couldn't go back to the lectures. I didn't want to see her face. I kept smoking the entire day and entire night. I couldn't eat a morsel. I didn't care if the maids would complain to Achaiah who would in turn go and complain to my father but I wanted to drown in alcohol tonight. I drank until I fell unconscious.

Next day I missed the morning lectures and when I was about to enter the classroom, I was called by the peon saying the principal wishes to see me. I raised an eyebrow.

'How could you speak like that about a girl Veer? I understand you come from a different country and it may be very casual there but here in India...You maybe 18 years old but you have to understand that you are still a student of this institution. Your father maybe a rich bureaucrat, a big businessman but that doesn't give anyone the right to speak ill about a girl in this college.

I want you to tell me the names of all those boys right now Veer!!! If not I'm going to take strict action against you!!! I promise not even your father could convince me!!!' said the Principal and I slowly shifted my gaze towards Vanshika.

Wow!!! So she is also a teacher's pet?

'Dont look at her...she did not complain about you!!! I'm the principal of this college and that's a common cafeteria. Hundreds of students have seen you there, a couple of teachers were also there. So don't blame Vanshika. She's here because I called her!!!' he said and I shot her a look.

'I want you to confess who the guys were Veer!!!' he ordered me but I was fuming from within. This was humiliating.

'If you don't want to then fine...I am suspending you for a week and I take away your opportunity of writing your first internal exam. And you know our exam system in this college is 70/30. Which means you won't get to write 1 internal out of two and that means you can only earn 15 marks which looking at the way your actions are ..looks like would be a tough target!!! Good Luck Veer!!! Anyways you may leave but before that apologize to Vanshika!!!' he said and I wanted to smash everything in this room. Its the first time in my life I was facing so much insult.

'Say it Veer!!! Don't force me to dial your father!!!' said the Principal and I spat 'Sorry!!!' and left the room without waiting for a second.

As I was leaving the principal's office I heard him say 'Dont worry my child. If you have anyone bothering you next time please don't hesitate in coming to me!!!' and there I was clear, it was her. She did this. I wanted to teach her a lesson. First she slaps me in front of hundreds of seniors...juniors... cafeteria staff and my friends who worshipped me...she screwed my image in front of everyone, then she complains to the principal. She had the guts to say my name to the principal. Now I vowed to make sure she'll never forget my name. I am going to haunt her for life.

I was determined to have come back to her with something she wouldn't even dream of...

A week long suspension? I was going to make full use of it. To plot something so interesting that would make her beg to the principal to not rusticate her.

She tried to humiliate me, insult me...

She tried to tarnish my male ego!!!

Now I was going to FUCK her self respect!!!

I was going to rip off her shame and strip her so-called respect and defame her so called dignity by shattering her trust into pieces.

I wasn't just going to fuck her on my bed but I wanted to mind fuck her.

I lost my opportunity to write my internals??? I promise you wouldn't write your twelfth standard public exams Miss Vanshika!!!

I promise!!!

Short Chapter today ❤️

Love Love ❤️

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