Chapter 27

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You know we humans are wierd. When we do something wrong and it hurts someone, the guilt kills us and when we do something right and it hurts someone, that guilt also kills us. My Daadu used to say it's all because you are good human from within. Good but foolish.

And I was a fool. Veer's gang misbehaved with me. Veer was also a part of it. I did not want to complain about them but my college principal had acquired all the information from other teachers and students and they had told them everything. Not just what happened to me today but also what those guys did to different students regularly in the cafeteria. I was only called to confirm if it was true and I couldn't betray so many tormenter students.

They never had the guts to speak up for so long and today when they have gathered the guts I couldn't backout. There were girls who faced harrasment and eve teasing on regular basis and some guys were badly bullied. Ragging and eveteasing could destroy young minds and shatter their confidence. And I was against it. However I never interfered into anything voluntarily but today confessing my side of the story when they stood up for me was important.

I accepted the truth infront of the principal but looks like principal had a clue about Veer but never had evidences. Although today Veer's friends deserved bigger punishment, principal chose to suspend Veer alone. For an entire week.
But I was shocked when principal didn't let him write his internal exams and that kind of shook me from within.

Yes he was guilty but his friends today were the bigger culprits. They deserved the punishment too. I was fine that principal suspended him but the internal exam thing was bad. It was unfair. Every student good or bad, should have equal rights to earn a good percentage. So I requested our principal to kindly let him have the opportunity to write the internal exams. He wasn't very happy with my suggestion however agreed to it yet warned me about Veer.

A week had passed and Veer had still not come back to the college. I wondered if he was doing fine. One day when I was at the library I saw Yamuna giving me a dirty stare. I got busy picking my text books when I heard Yamuna say

'Look how shameless people are!!! First they destroy people's lives and then try to behave all innocent and pure!!!'

I was irked. She had been this annoying taunting lady since Veer's suspension was a public news and almost everyone was calling Yamuna his secret girlfriend. I didn't care what they were to each other but she clearly kept annoying me at every chance she got. At first I ignored but when she kept repeating it. I was clear she had issues with me.

This time I chose to confront her.

The moment she stepped out of the library with her friend, I stopped her by blocking her way and she was pissed.

'What the hell? Why are you blocking my way you bitch?' she spat angrily and although I hated the foul language she used, I wanted to talk to her.

'Although I have a better vocabulary collection...unlike you I wouldn't like to experiment them on you. I just want to understand what is your problem? I have seen you targetting me since last few days.' to which she smirked saying

'And what is the proof I was targetting you? I didn't ever take your name. Basically you know what you did is wrong and that's the reason my words effect you!!! Huhhh cowards like you can only go and complain to the principal!!!'

'Guilty??? Why would I be guilty??? That man and his gang should be guilty!!! And Yamuna...those guys were Eve teas-'

'Did he tease you? Did he try to touch you? Did he misbehave with you that day? No!!! All he did was laugh at his friend's comments!!' she said and I was speechless. She wasn't wrong entirely.

Eighteen Minus (COMPLETED)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें