Chapter 23

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I was shivering in rage. I was unable to take his nonsense. He was the one who had caused the biggest turmoil in my life and now...yet another time..he has the audacity to talk to me like this?

'Who do you think you are??? Why should I listen to you???

Just in case you forgot!!! Let me remind you. You are the reason for this mess!! You destroyed my life twelve years ago and all I have been doing since then is runaway from everything.' I spat as tears leaked from my eyes. I noticed his facial expressions soften.


'Dont you dare Veer!!! Don't!!! Veer??? Rajveer??? Huhhh whatever your name mean nothing to me. You are only a mistake. A mistake for which I have lost a lot in my life. Yes I ran away from that engagement ceremony...not just because I don't want to be with you...but also because I didn't know how to tell the entire past to my family.

The dirty past which my Mutashi knows and she hates me. I don't know what will my Daadu and everyone do when they know to what extent you destroyed me.

Don't think that I didn't tell the truth to anyone because I care for you. I didn't tell them about you because then I will have to also tell about that one dirty secret which only a few people are aware of!!!

You know what Rajveer are that hot boiling water in my throat which I cant swallow nor spit out in open and I swear I regret every single second of taking you into my life. And now...if you have a little shame left in you...just get out of my life and never show your face again!!!' I spat looking into his eyes which had turned red and teary...I didn't know if my words hurt him or was it the slap but the tears in his eyes somehow satisfied my soul.

I turned around and was about to leave when I felt a tug on my Dupatta. I froze.
I turned around to see Rajveer on his knees and my lips parted.

'I know only mistakes can be forgiven and what I had done was a crime...but Vansh... please...Just one chance.

I know you have suffered twelve years of pain and humiliation for which I don't think I can ever compensate but I want you to know one thing....that after whatever I have done to you...I was also never at peace. I have died of guilt and pain all these years. Everyday I cursed my own self for doing that to you.

I was immature...A rebellious teen...but that didn't give me any rights to ruin a girl's life. I know what I did to you can never be forgiven but hoping against hope ...I'm at your feet Vansh...

All I'm asking is one chance!!! Just one chance!!! Please!!! I really love-'

'Stop!!!!!' I yelled asking him to shut his mouth.

'Leave from here Mr Rajveer Khandelwal!!! I don't want to hear a word more!!!'

He stood on his feet and took a step closer trying to approach me but Karthik stood in between us placing his hand on Rajveer's chest as he said

'Didn't you hear what she said? Back off!!!' Karthik said shooting his fierce gaze in Rajveer's eyes. Rajveer was way too taller and stronger than Karthik with his bulging muscles and gym body whereas Karthik was a average build non muscular chap. But still one thing I knew was...till Karthik is here...No Rajveer Khandelwal could touch me without my permission.

'And who are you to say that?' Rajveer spat angrily when Karthik folded his hands against his chest and said

'Shika's best friend. Shika's well wisher. Shika's family away from family. And for you...the man who can break your bones if you try to touch her again without her permission? Got it lad?' he said fearlessly as Rajveer grit his teeth and then took a deep breath and we noticed him calming down as he said

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