Chapter 42

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My mouth went dry as I felt the tip of his nose brush the skin of my neckline. I gulped dry only for him to whisper hotly against my earlobe...

'Do you know what you are doing to my heart Shika?' And my lips quivered yet nothing left my mouth. I could hear him taking deep breaths. Slowly he whispered

'This jasmine, your fragrance...I'm going mad Vanshika!!!' And I still stood there numb and frozen. When nothing left my mouth is when I felt the tip of his nose travel all along the base of my neck and I helplessly tilted my neck a little to the right trying to give him more space.

My chest was heaving and I was trying to take in enough oxygen so I don't collapse at his dangerously intimate actions. And that's when I felt an open mouthed suck on the skin of my shoulder blades making me whimper. I gasped so loudly at his action while he chuckled.


He slowly dragged me in front of the cupboard which had a dressing mirror and made me stand in front of it.

'I think someone didn't take a good look at themselves tonight. It's a crime to look the way you are looking tonight Mrs Shetty!!! Not fair!!!' He whispered into my left earlobe as this time his lips brushed against my earlobe making me feel tingles and the heeby-jeebies!!!

I bit my lower lip and looked at the mirror finally as first thing I noticed was a deep red mark on my shoulder blade making me widen my eyes as I realised what had he done.

'What the hell??? Is that a-'

'Hickey!!!' He announced shamelessly

'You!!! You are evil!!! What would anyone say if they-' and before I could complete the statement he bit onto the same spot on my shoulder a little too harsh to leave the marks of his teeth and while I tried to move he squeezed the flesh of my stomach making me jump as he finally said

'This one's for running away from me!!!' And this time he bit base of my neck and an unknown whimper left my mouth while he chuckled whispering

'Never knew you could moan so well!!! Sheer music' he said and I turned beet red. My lips quivered as he whispered

'That felt like music to my ears!!!' and I closed my eyes biting my lower lip, trying hard to hide my smiling blushing as I tried to close my face with my palms but the next second he switched our positions and my back hit the cupboard again. I gulped at the force I was pressed against his hard chest.

The next moment his big hand grabbed the base of my neck sexily grabbing me as he positioned himself a little too close to my mouth and he licked his lips and looked into my eyes. I gulped dry when his eyes kept switching between my eyes, nose and lips.

It was like a silent permission that his plump lips kept asking only to dive in and I was dying here. He leaned more and just when we were about to kiss-

Tak Tak Tak Tak

There was a knock at the door and I suddenly heard Neiyat's voice as she switched on the lights of the room

'Areyyyy what are you doing here Shika? That too all alone???' And I suddenly turned around and realised I was all alone in the room.

He...he never came finding me. It was all in my imagination.

'Areyyyy...Malu aunty is looking for your help. Go quickly and wear those anklets. I know they are heavy but they look beautiful on you!!!' She said and I hesitantly nodded. I picked those anklets and wore them while suddenly Neiyat who was taking out some jewellery from her cupboard asked

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