Chapter 39

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Friday Surprise ✨✨✨

Love ❤️


She said it.

She said it all!!!

And I??? I was sitting there at her feet like a person who had sold his soul. Yes I had. How could I think that she could forgive me? After all that she went through...ALONE...

Her tears, her painful confession and her heartbroken journey from an eighteen year old girl to the fearless woman she's grown into put me to shame.

Yes I am ashamed.

Ashamed of leaving her to fate and running away.

No it's not that I didn't have feelings for her... maybe I did. If not I wouldn't have regretted every day being away from her for the last twelve years. But is regret alone enough? Dad says that if you have the realisation of your mistakes you would get forgiveness one or the other day. I did realise my mistake the moment I flew away from this country.. from her.


Sometimes just the realisation isn't enough!!! Especially when what you did isn't a mistake. Instead...Is a crime!!!

I hadn't just broken a girl's heart or her trust...I had broken her beyond repair. I left her to fate and ran away like a coward. Yes I wasn't involved in the MMS scandal but then boasting to my friends about what I can and what I would do to just get my revenge for being insulted and humiliated by her probably also gave them a leverage of thinking that if I could treat her bad, they could also do the same.

Because let's accept the fact that people who love don't destroy their love. I had destroyed Vanshika to ashes and today when the lady has risen from the ashes like a pheonix is when I want her back in my life. How dare I? How could I?

I don't deserve her.

Infact!!! I don't deserve any woman on this planet earth.

I deserve loneliness, punishments and being abandoned. Just like I abandoned her. Twelve years...Twelve years of a lonely journey for just falling in love. She deserved better. She definitely deserved better!!!

I smiled to myself as tears kept rolling down my cheeks when I suddenly felt a tight slap on my cheek and I saw Vanshika's grandfather had slapped me hard. His eyes went red in anger as he grabbed my collar and whisper yelled

'How dare you? Howwww dare you chest upon my grandchild?' And he slapped me again so hard that I literally fell on Vanshika's feet again who was crying like a child. I touched her feet as tears from my eyes fell on her feet but her grandfather grabbed my collar again and slapped me again asking

'What did you think? You won't get punished? God is seeing everything Rajveer!!! You may not have had the punishment of your deeds then but now you will. I will call the police and give him to you. You will rot in jail. My grandchild was going to kill herself because of you!!! What if ??? I...I...can't even imagine!!!' He yelled and I closed my eyes as more tears fell from my eyes when I heard Malvika aunty who had managed to caress Vanshika's shoulder as she yelled saying

'Exactly Dad!!! My child has suffered through so much because of him. Don't let him walk away so easily. He should be punished. This disgusting man pretends to do so much for women empowerment, girl child's rights and for the betterment of society...huhhh everything is a sham and a waste if he has destroyed someone's life. I am telling you Vansh...this man has to be punished!!!'

'Exactly Rony!!! Call the cops!!!' Kisha Daadi said when Vanshika's maternal grandmother...her Mushi said

'But even Vanshika was at fault. This all began because she didn't see the red flags in a man and above all she slept with him. She lost her virginity before her marriage. How shameful!!! I am still not ready to accept this filthy girl' and that's when Malvika aunty yelled

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