Chapter 34

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I wanted to ask him, shout at him, confirm if it was true. But I did nothing. I did not need to...

The blush on Yamuna's face and the huge rock on her ring finger was already telling a different story.

Wasn't this the same man who said he didn't believe in love and marriage? And was getting engaged at what ??? Eighteen??? Is he kidding me???

I thought it was the most foolish decision ever. Who gets engaged when they are Eighteen??? He doesn't have a career, he didn't complete his studies, and he's ready to commit to someone? I didn't want to confront him but I wanted to know why he was doing it so I asked Salim.

'His father and Yamuna's father are business associates. His father has heard of his stories of getting involved with girls and wanted to put a full stop to his bed warming habits. So he threatened Veer of either getting engaged to Yamuna or he would stop sponsoring his expenses and his education!!!' He said

I was shocked. How can someone be so cruel to their own child?

'Oh you have no idea...The old man is so old fashioned and a control freak that he wants them to get married the moment they finish their twelfth. That's like two weeks from now. I mean that is crazy!!!' Salim added leaving me speechless.

Until now I didn't want to go to the send off party but now I wanted to go to the party. I wanted to see him. One last time.

Dressed up in a lavish Armani blazer, he looked breathtakingly handsome but Yamuna stuck by his side all the time like a leech. He kept denying the engagement rumours where as Yamuna only blushed. However the rocks on their ring fingers clearly gave away the secrets.

His eyes met mine for a brief moment and I could see immense pain in those eyes. It's like those eyes had so much hidden behind them. There was so much they wanted to confess but couldn't do it. I never thought I would have to see something worse than a heartbreak. It has been almost a month and his betrayal still stung like a bitch.

There was a happy atmosphere everywhere. There were gangs of people clicking pictures but I stood there alone with a glass of cold drink. Why had I come here in the first place. A few of my old gang members atleast had the courtesy to ask for filling their slam books, Salim and a few others clicked pictures with me but all he did was shoot my with his fierce gaze everytime I was talking to someone.

Then everyone indulged in ballroom dancing when Yamuna pulled Veer on the stage. My eyes welled up seeing them so close. I didn't know I still had so much pain within me. I no longer wanted to look like a heartbroken fool so I ran outside the party hall. I don't know for how long I kept running wiping my tears nonstop when it started raining heavily. I didn't care if my bodycon dress got wet. I started walking mindlessly only for a hand to grab onto my wrist and push me against a tree by the side of the road.

I was scared to death but the moment I recognised the fragrance I knew who it was.

'Why do I always find you in the middle of nowhere Vanshika? Look at the weather!!! It's raining... there are landslides happening in Madikeri since last few weeks and you just walk around like it's a party here??? Why do you always do this to me???' He shouted when I pushed him via his chest as angry tears rolled down my cheeks and I said

'Why do you care??? You have your Yamuna right??? Your...your fiance!!! Go ..go to her!!!' I shouted when he grabbed me via my forearms and pulled me closer to him as he whispered

'Vanshika... please...just!!! Ughhhh!!! Can we go from here first? It's pouring!!!' He said as it started raining heavily and although I didn't want to listen to him, knowing how adamant he was I walked along with him towards his car. He opened the door for me and I hesitantly sat next to him. He slowly started moving the car a little distance but due to heavy rains, he stopped it on an abandoned road.

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