Chapter 33

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When a bird discovers that it can fly, it has wings, it discovers a new kinda high.

Veer's existence in my life had given me that kinda high. He was turning into my addiction. So much so that I didn't care that I was abandoning my family and going to him. And why wouldn't I?

I wasn't a consolation prize for him. I was the only one for him. There were so many girls who wanted his attention but he only wanted mine. He made me feel wanted. He made me feel that I'm important to him and I liked that importance. The reason why although I was angry and upset leaving my home, I was happy because I was going to the man who was slowly becoming my home.

I was riding so high on him that I ignored everyone's phone call. Dad's phone call, Daadi's phone call, Aaryan called tol. Damn it...I was so blinded that I even ignored Dev Daadu's and Mypie's phone calls as well. But above all I was angry that neither did Mom try to call me nor message me once. Like she didn't care at all. Well if she didn't...I didn't care either

Luv called but I was pissed at her. I had blocked her number because I held her responsible for everything that had happened in my life although she wasn't but my stupid brains were jealous of my own sister. I thought she was the reason I went through all this. That moment I even was angry with God that we were twins.

I practically loathed her existence. I don't know from where I developed so much hatred for my own sister. Was it the age, the immaturity, the hormones, young blood or jealousy? Well she was always the good girl, the perfect child. The matured one. I was always the ugly fat kid, who wasn't good in studies, nor good at looks and was the naughty one too.

I tried to be on par with my twin. I tried loosing weight but I loved eating, I tried looking pretty but she got straight silky natural hair and I was a curly mess. She spoke softly with everyone where as I was the tomboyish loud twin but I tried. I really did. I studied so much that I top my classes. I played sports when Luv did dancing and modelling since our school days itself. But I didn't understand why the society compared us both. Initially it didn't bother me but later as everyone started praising her and giving her more importance I started getting annoyed and then I pushed her into the backwaters.

But the moment I did it I was guilty. I apologized as well and confessed my mistake too but instead of giving me a chance they chose to punish me. I cried and begged them to not put me into the boarding school but Dad and Daadu were adamant. They thought I had to learn discipline. I accepted that too and slowly adjusted in my boarding school as well. Luv got all the love from family but I was happy because I was treated like a VIP because I would come home only for vacations.

I liked the importance but then when I had to leave to the boarding it also made me realise that Luv will always get more than me. But call it my self respect or my ego, I never asked them to settle me back in Bangalore and I was fine. Madikeri became my new home.

And anyways I was a believer in marriage and love. I had seen people holding hand in hand and loving each other in their old ages too. So many powerful love stories in my family. I always knew when I'll meet my man it will be forever. I was always the one man woman types so when Rajveer entered my life I knew it was him. I had even made plans of pursuing my higher education in his country, so we could see each other, grow together, build a career and then get married.

I was clear.

A double graduation by 23. 2 years of job in a lavish organisation, buy a home at 25 and marry at 26 and kids by 28. Life was planned and sorted.

Atleast that's what I had thought of...

But does everything go according to our plans?

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